Start from the beginning

Jada frown. "He called you a minute ago, wanting to know if you'll meet him up for lunch."

Alora furrowed her eyebrows, setting her coffee down. "Raincheck. I got work to do."

Jada Rasmus lets out a sigh, grabbing the coffee cup from her boss desk and throwing it in the trashcan. "Hey!"

"You've had more than enough coffee." Jada scolded, bending forward and grabbing the trashcan.

"Jada what the hell?" Alora exclaimed, standing up from her desk looking quite upset.

Boss and assistant having a staring contest, Jada stayed silent for over two months, giving Alora her time and space hoping it was just a phase. But after two months and three weeks of drowning her sorrows in a cup of coffee and working for almost twenty-four hours, concerned the assistant. She feared Alora was letting herself go, the reason behind her toxic behavior is the disappearance of Tony Stark which brought Jada to think: what if they never find him? Alora would continue to live this way unless someone stopped her before it's too late and that person was Jada Rasmus.

"Alora, you've been working nonstop for these past two months. You're barely out of this office and your drinking too much coffee." Jada listed.

Alora scoffed. "Well I'm sorry if I care too much about making the world a better place."

Jada shook her head, her eyes softening. "That's just an excuse."

"No, it's not."

Jada sigh, "You're overworking yourself because you cannot do something without thinking about your brother." Alora licked her lips, looking away while her hands rested on her hips. "You should really meet up with Christian, I'm sure he'll do you some good."

"I don't have time for distractions." Alora snapped, Jada just gave her a smile.

"Then you better make time." Jada turn around and began to walk away. "I'm telling Chris you said yes!"

"Jada, no!" Alora shouted, leaning over her desk but Jada was long gone.

Alora Stark sigh, pushing her swivel chair aside before making her way to the floor length windows in her office. Her grey eyes took in the green field, the sun shone on the grass bringing out a healthy green, some members of her team were setting up tents. In this foundation, they had a weekly activity, their goal is to put a roof on every homeless person's head. Alora smiled softly, feeling proud of the empire she had manage to push forward with the help of extremely hardworking and committed people.

Alora blinked, her mind racing back to the plan she had been working on since yesterday with the help of JARVIS. There was no ounce of fear nor uncertainty in her chest, the youngest Stark never felt more sure about what she was going to do on her own. Alora Stark was planning on going to look for her brother, nobody knew about this and she wasn't going to tell no one. Since Jada believes she's overworking then she will tell her she's going to take some days off and be back by the weekend, so the foundation will be in her hands for a couple of days.

"I need some gear." Alora thought out loud, if she was planning on using her powers she needed to use a fireproof gear or else she'll end up naked.

Now the question was, how was she going to get some? A firefighter suit wouldn't cut it, based on what she learned about her power is that it comes from the sun. Which means it's a millions times more powerful and hot, it would disintegrate the suit before she knows it. Alora let out an exhausted sigh, running a hand over her messy bun before ripping the scrunchie off and pulling her hair into a messy high ponytail.

A soft knock interrupted her inner turmoil, Alora turned around to face the source. Her grey eyes widening slightly in surprise, Pepper Potts stood there wearing a casual attire and a gentle smile.

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