Start from the beginning

"No." Alora scolded herself, taking in a deep breath. "No more tears."

The blonde woman still had hope in her heart, so with a determine mind she clicked the space button on the keyboard. The three computers forming a semi-circle around her, all light up revealing a bunch of schematics, probably weapons designs.

"JARVIS?" The blonde called for help.

"Yes, Miss Stark?"

Alora motion with her hand at the screen, "Can you display the satellite image of Siancong? According to the coordinates Kal gave me."

"Sure." JARVIS responded, the schematic on the computer of the center disappeared. Alora stare as JARVIS display a satellite view of Siancong using the coordinates Kal had given her just to fill her in, Alora thank Kal mentally for sharing that small detail with her. "The red dot represents the last time Tony Stark was seen."

Alora zoomed in, her eyes scanning the place in hopes of finding any indicator, disappointment filled her in as she moves the mouse only to reveal more desert. The route they took, according to Kal, was through a remote shortcut the US convoys and hum-vee's use to get to the city instead of passing through it.

"So the place he was attacked seemed pretty remote, Kal mentioned they use it a lot meaning they were certain they would be passing through. What I don't understand is... how did they know Tony was there?" Alora wonder out loud.

"It could be purely coincidence. Afghanistan is infested with Taliban fighters, they've proven to be at war with their own country and the United States, it could've been just an ambush."

Alora sigh, biting the cuticles of her thumb. "Then why take Tony?"

"Your brother is known to be a weapon manufacturer, perhaps they found value in him." JARVIS offered.

"Perhaps... but I have a feeling they were already after him." Alora theorized, blonde strands of hair falling on the edge of her face. "Tony went there with the US military, news like that shouldn't spread like wildfire. It's not like we told the media where he was heading to."

"Well, Mr. Stark is known as someone who can barely keep his mouth shut."

Alora pressed his lips into a thin line, shaking her head as a ghost of a smile threaten to cure upward her lips. "True, we know Tony loves the spotlight. He's a peacock." Alora allowed herself to chuckle. "But... I don't know how to explain this; I feel like someone rat him out."

"That's a strong suspicion."

Alora nodded, pulling her hair back into a messy bun before reaching out for a paper and a pen before drawing herself closer to the desk. "It is and I feel like I'm not that wrong. So let's break this down, what other places are close from Siancong? I feel like they relocated somewhere else, if not then we would of already have something."

The map started to move before placing a blue dot on a village. "Kandahar." The map moved once again, placing the blue dot in a larger village. "Kabul." Alora wrote them down on the piece of paper, leaving space so she could write down the coordinates. "Ghazni."

"Try to search for remote villages, if I were to kidnap someone I would search for a place easy to dominate. Also faraway." Alora pointed out.

The map began to move, passing Kabul before moving to the right, a blue dot marks the place. "That would be Gulmira. Dominated by Taliban fighters, passing through the village at the end, there are records of the existence of caves."

Alora eyes twinkle with hope, taking note of everything JARVIS is telling her. Her mind wondering why it was taking so long to find him, she hoped they were searching for her brother, Alora didn't know if this piece of information was something they had already or not. Either way, Alora didn't feel completely useless, she was taking matters into her own hands, now all she needed was to corroborate the intel.

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