Start from the beginning

A warm hand fell on the girl's shoulder, causing her to gasp and turn to face him, the wind stopping almost immediately. "Huh? What?"

Kal sigh, using his thumb to clean the tears off her face like he had done since she was five. Kalum Tiberius remain as radiant as ever, never aging. His smile and protectiveness allowed Alora to find solace in, for her Kal was like an older brother, unlike her actual brother he was always there for her.

Kal offered her a warm smile, causing Alora to choke back a sob. "What am I going to do now?" She whispered, trembling hands covering her tearstain face. "They're gone. Tony is not even here."

Kal took in a deep breath, feeling his heart clenching at the sight of her, the girl he is meant to protect. He pulled her close, wrapping one arm on her shoulder and placing one hand on her head, burying her face on his black suit. "You are not alone, Alora. You have me... you always will." Kal whispered the last words.

Alora let out sobs, muffled by Kal's suit but he could feel her body shaking as she cried. The sound of shoveling and the dirt hitting the hollow surface of the casket caught his attention, Kal felt Alora squeeze his abdomen, she pressed her shoulder against her ear in an effort to block the sound of it. Kal clenched his jaw, pain filled his heart at the death of Howard and Maria Stark, none deserved that fate. His sky blue eyes scanned the perimeter, only one car waited on the driveway, the rest of the guest were long gone.

"Wanna head home?" Kal asked softly, Alora lean back, meeting his gaze before moving to the headstones.

"Without them... I don't think there's much of a home left." She whispered, voice devoid of emotion.

"As long as there's someone left who cares for you, you will always have a home."

Alora storm up the stairs, making her way toward Tony's room, her hand curl around the knob before pushing the door open. Tony laid on his stomach, hugging a pillow, sound asleep which irked Alora to no end. The blonde teenager flicked the switch on, yellow lights glaring down on Tony's face while Alora made her way toward him, yanking the grey comforter off his body.

"What the-?"

"How could you?!" Alora yelled, Tony rubbed his eyes before blinking a few time, turning around to face a fuming little sister. "Seriously, what's wrong with you?"

"I... I literally just woke up." Tony said in his deep morning voice, pillow marks evident on the right side of his face. "But on a second note, you shouldn't barge in like that and yank the covers off my body, I could've been naked."

Alora stared at him, eyes puffy from so much crying and Tony only seemed to notice that. "I can't believe you. You missed our parent's burial, Tony. The last chance you had at saying goodbye."

Tony felt his heart clench with guilt, but he wouldn't dare showed it. "I knew I was forgetting something."

"You're unbelievable." Alora scoffed, a tear sliding down her cheek but she quickly brushed it away. "I expect to see you downstairs; the lawyer will be here any minute to read father's will."

Tony watched her leave, slamming his door shut. The twenty-one-year-old Stark ran a hand over his face, letting out a long sigh before crunching his face in disgust.

"Ugh, morning breath."

After getting ready, Tony met with everyone on Howard's study room. Obadiah Stane, Peggy Carter, Alora Stark, and Kalum Tiberius all gathered around as the lawyer began to read the testament, as expected, Howard left Stark Industries to Tony and Maria left her foundation to Alora. Once she turns eighteen she will officially take control of the foundation, for the meantime it will be taken care of by Tony. Once the lawyer finished reading the will he left, followed by Obadiah and Peggy, granting the siblings their much needed space.

Alora laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling with a spinning mind. Wondering how were they supposed to live without their parents, Alora wasn't ready. How was she supposed to take over her mother's foundation? She knew nothing of business, all she knew was how to read hieroglyphics and what she learns in school, now she was supposed to lead a whole foundation? She's barely surviving high school in her own garage.

"Everything will be okay." She whispered to herself. "It has to be."

A soft knock came from the other side of her door, Alora turn her head just as Kal poke his head from the gap between the door and doorframe. "May I come in?"

Alora sigh, nodding. "Yeah..."

Kal enter her room, leaving the door slightly open before making his way to her bed, taking a seat on the edge. Alora kept staring at the ceiling, each memory devouring her heart, thoughts filled with regret tormenting her consciousness.

"I wish I could've done things differently." She confessed, voice hoarse from crying so much. "I wish... I wish I could've told them I loved them."

Kal stare at the purple wall, posters of bands, drawings, and polaroid were all paste on the wall in an abstract fashion. But his mind was registering everything she was saying, Kal could relate to her, both wishing they were given a second chance to right their wrongdoings. It was a foolish thing to wish, every human being know their time on this earth is limited, everything they do belongs to the cycle of life. Everyone and everything is borrowed in this life.

"They know." Kal reassured her. "Everything in this life is borrowed, Lora. Have that in mind whenever you get too caught up in the moment, who knows, it might ease your consciousness."

Alora scoffed. "How's that supposed to make me feel better?"

Kal shifted in his seat, bending one leg up on the bed while making eye contact with her. "It's not." Kal sigh, a moment of silence passing by. "But in life you have two options, grow bitter and blame the world or move forward and honor your parent's sacrifices."

"Blaming the world sounds more like my type of coping mechanism." Alora deadpanned.

Kal nodded. "When you look around what do you see?"

Alora rolled her eyes. "My room."

"Well I see Maria Stark. That woman had a talent for interior designing, she gave this home life and style." Kal chuckled. "What about the workshop?"


Kal eyes turn into slits. "Well I see Howard Stark, the man that could do the impossible."

Alora sigh, shifting into a sitting position on her bed. "What is your point huh? You want me to burn down everything that reminds me of them?"

Kal shook his head. "On the contrary. I want you to know that even though your parents aren't here, physically, there will always be a piece of them in everything they did. Now it's up to you two to figure out what you're going to do with their legacy."

Alora ran a hand over her tangled hair. "That's what I'm afraid of. I don't want to ruin mom's hard work; I don't know jack about how to run a business."

Kal chuckled. "There's always college for that."

Alora eyes widen slightly, a new emotion blossoming from her chest, excitement. "College? But... but dad never allowed me to leave the house."

Kal nodded, cracking his knuckles. "It's time you do, as long as you're wearing your necklace nothing will happen. I'm sure Tony will agree."

"I wish this were happening under different circumstances. Not like this." Alora admitted.

"I know kiddo, but this is all you've got."

That day was the beginning of everything, the Starks siblings have no idea what the world has in store for them.

✶ ┊사랑병 ˎˊ˗

ScriveFiorella_ Note

The final chapter of
Pre-Ironman, it was a sad
Ending but we all know how
Important their death was. It
Will help Alora shape herself for the future, and so will Tony.

Stay safe kiddos💕

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