Start from the beginning

Amanda looked up to meet her husband's blue eyes, she move a strand of blonde hair away from her face and behind her ear, "Mission report?"

Amanda sighed annoyingly, "Jude, I told you already. That's classified."

Jude tried not to look annoyed by his wife's loyalty toward S.H.I.E.L.D, but he was being pressured. Being in a relationship with the enemy and still playing the wild card got tougher and tougher each day, but just like her, he was loyal to H.Y.D.R.A. He felt his daughter shift and he started to rock her from side to side while humming softly.

"Why are you so hellbent on knowing?" Amanda asked him, he thought about the many lies he could feed her with but sometimes he grew tired of lying every day and about everything.

Excluding his love for her and his daughter, those were the only things he valued and genuinely felt. They were true. He was being sincere when he said he would protect their daughter at all costs. He was sincere when he confessed his love for his wife. He was honest. But as he weighs the options he knew Amanda wouldn't accept his proposal, she would be so mad and betrayed. And Jude didn't want to lose what they had, that was something that filled him with pure dread.

So he lied. "I'm just worried darling, I know it's part of the job to keep quiet about but who's going to answer me when something happens to you and I don't know where you are." Jude sighed, he actually meant it but again he needed to know what it was about so he could send the intel. "I can't help it. I'm sorry, but now I feel like it's my duty to protect the mother of our daughter. You two are all I have."

Amanda laid her hands around Jude, hugging him loosely as well as their sleeping daughter. She looked at Jude with her beautiful hazel eyes, Jude loved them because they reminded him of honey and the season of fall. She smiled fondly at him, the kind of smile someone gives when they try to show how touched they are by their worry for them and also to assure them everything will be fine.

"Ok," Amanda said, she really didn't want to tell him the actual truth of what that mission report contained because her director had specifically told her not to utter a word to her husband. She didn't know why since both of them were top agents but still, orders are orders. So instead she confides in him about the other part of the mission report, "It wasn't an actual Mission Report, I've decided to let our Director know about our baby girl's birth. He is the only one that can help us."

Jude could not believe his ears, he kissed the top of her daughter's head and placed her back on the crib carefully not to wake her up. Jude placed a hand on her stomach and pushed her gently out of the room, he walked her to their office which was far enough for them to talk and not disturb the baby.

"You did what?" Jude snapped, his voice coming off a bit too sharp.

Amanda's eyes widen slightly at his odd reaction, "I'm sorry I don't follow."

Jude chuckled dryly, he placed both of his hands on either side of his hips. "You don't follow? Okay, let me enlighten you. Let's start on how you told the Director about our daughter's special descendant without consulting me first?"

Amanda frowned, she raised a hand as if to tell him to calm down and to keep distance between them, "I didn't thi-"

"Oh! Of course, you didn't. Darling, you know what S.H.I.E.L.D does to those types of people, they use them, exploit their power!" Jude spread his arms wide to emphasize exploit.

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