"Oh yeah it was good she just wanted to hangout." Lauren says lying so Camila won't have any inkling about what she's giving her later that day.

Camila goes back to typing a song she wrote on her laptop.

"So I was thinking that maybe later, right before sunset we could maybe take Rey for a stroll on the pier , I know she's been having trouble staying asleep the whole night." Lauren suggests.

"Yeah that'd be nice, we haven't been there in awhile." Camila says.

"What's this song about?" Lauren asks as she takes a seat on the couch beside Camila and picks up the sheet of paper she was looking off of to type.

"Oh nothing really it's just about finding happiness and love, because personally I think those are the two most powerful emotions in existence." Camila says.

"Have you found that happiness and love yet?" Lauren asks in a cocky tone.

"I don't know you tell me." Camila says back just as cockily as she twirls Lauren's hair in between her fingers.

Lauren leans in to kiss her.

Right as they get into it Rey starts crying out from the other room.

"Perfect timing." Camila says sarcastically , wishing the child wouldn't have interrupted them.

"I got her." Lauren says as she gets up from the couch.

Lauren gets into the bedroom and picks up the crying infant. "Shh - shhh it's okay momma is here."

She feels around and realizes that her diaper is full. She places Rey on the changing mat and changes her.

"Do you like Camila?" Lauren asks Rey as if she's gonna respond. "I know you do, and so do I that's why tonight I'm making a move." She continues talking to her.

After she finishes changing her diaper , she brings Rey out to the front where Camila is.

"Hey baby, hey baby , hey." Camila sings in the tune of No Doubt's hit as Lauren returns to her seat with the infant in hand.

"I'm so glad you decided to keep her here." Camila tells her.

"Yeah so am I." Lauren says.

"She adds to our life in times like this when we're really not doing anything." Camila says.

The two sit there and play with her for a little while.

"I can't wait until she starts talking, it's gonna be cool as hell." Lauren says.

"I imagine her first word will be some type of swear or inappropriate word." Camila says.

The two laugh.
"But you're probably right." Lauren says.


The evening had arrived.

The sun was just getting ready to set.

Camila and Lauren had a nice little dinner prepared by Camila herself.

After making sure they were full for the night, they head out to the car to head to the pier.

I'm A Mess ~ CamrenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя