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Dinah rolls her eyes as she is woken up by the blaring sound of her phone's alarm.

Their flight to Miami doesn't leave until 5:15 AM but knowing them, they take forever to get ready and airport security is no joke these days.

"Get your butt up!" Dinah shouts into Normani's ear as she's on her way to the shower.

Normani reluctantly gets up.

"I'm gonna go see if Ally's up while you get dressed." Normani announces to Dinah as she heads towards the door.

"Morning little sunshine!" Normani says trying to brighten the mood at the fact that they're up at 2AM.

Ally is already dressed and packed and invites Normani into the room.

"I'm so glad we're getting a break, finally." Ally says trying to start a convo with Normani.

"Oh my god yes it's a gift from above." Normani says causing Ally to let out a little laugh.

They do some small talk for a few minutes then Normani heads back to her room to get ready, hoping Dinah is done.

"Lauren! I thought you were getting out of bed when I was entering the shower, we can't be late to the lobby!" Camila says in an excited angry voice.

"Ughhhh ." Lauren moans as she covers her head with a pillow.

Camila heads down to the lobby leaving Lauren.

"Where's LJ ?" Normani asks in a snarky tone.
"I left her in the room she was taking too long, I told her we can't be late." Camila says giving herself a face palm.

A few minutes later Lauren tips into the lobby looking exhausted.

"Rough night?" Ally asks bumping Lauren's arm.

"Yeah, I had so many thoughts running through my mind." She tells them as she pushes her hair out of her face.

"Well we have a 6 hour flight ahead of us, feel free to vent away." Dinah says rubbing Lauren's back in a comforting way.

When they get to LAX they get through security rather quickly, mostly due to the fact that they're on one of the first flight of the day.

The wait to board the plane is about an hour and a half , so they decide to nap for a bit.

"Flight 1432 to Miami will begin boarding now, starting with coach." An announcer says, signaling the girls and their team to begin gathering their things.

"I can't wait for the day that we can finally get a private jet." Normani says as she rubs her eye.

"Word!" Dinah responds back.

Once they're all situated on the plane, Dinah starts a casual conversation with Lauren.

"So how have you been doing? I feel like the two of haven't talked just alone since forever ago." Dinah tells her.

"I know it's been kinda crazy these past few months...for all of us." Lauren says back to her.

"What's the low down on you and Walz?" Dinah asks Lauren.

"W-w-what "low down" ?!" Lauren says as she makes air quotations with her fingers.

"Oh all of us have been watching you two like a hawk, you two are totally linking!" Dinah says in an excited voice .

"Uhmmm no we are not." Lauren says in a stern tone putting her hand in Dinah's face.
"Don't make me go on a rant about love and sexuality." Lauren says as a threat, knowing Dinah hates hearing her long rants.

I'm A Mess ~ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now