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By the time Camila and Lauren reappear in the dinning room, everyone was finishing up.

"Where were you two at?" Chris says in a teasing way.

"None of your business, female problems." Lauren simply states, knowing Chris gets uncomfortable with that terminology.

"Mom , can Camila stay over night...we have some music related stuff to take care of?" Lauren asks her mother.

"Of course she can, as long as her people are okay with that." Clara tells her.

Camila gets approval from Sinu.

"Well I guess we should be on our way, thanks for the wonderful meal." Alejandro states as he heads out the door with his family.

"Have fun mija." Sinu says as the door closes behind her.

"Okay so now what?" Camila says quietly to Lauren.
Lauren gestures her hand telling Camila to watch and follow her.
"Mom?" Lauren calls out to Clara in a pitiful tone.

"Yes baby." Clara says back.

"Can I-we talk to you a-a-after you're done doing the dishes?" Lauren asks as she clears her throat not knowing why she seemed so nervous to approach her mother.

"Yeah-sure." Clara says in a concerned tone.

Lauren leads Camila upstairs to her parents bedroom.

Lauren sits on the bed anxiously waiting for her mother to enter the room. She can't help but uncontrollably bounce her legs up and down.

"Camila?" Lauren mutters to get her attention.

"I can't do this I'm gonna throw up." Lauren tells Camila.

"That's probably just left over morning sickness." Camila says with a giggle.
"I'm glad you can see the light with this at least you're not the one who's about to tell your mother that you're pregnant at 19 fu**ing years old." Lauren says with anger in her voice.

"Okay what's up?" Clara announces as she enters the room , throwing out a paper towel drying her hands.

Lauren doesn't say anything for a while.
"Actually I totally forgot what I wanted to talk about." Lauren tells her mother.

"Are you sure?" Clara asks.

"Yeah I'll think of it , it wasn't even that important." Lauren says with a giggle as her mother walks out the room.

"What was that?" Camila asks in a frustrated tone.

"I can't do this!" Lauren silently shouts out to Camila.

"I wasn't raised like this, I-I'm so scared to tell her." Lauren says as she begins to cry.

Lauren guides Camila to her bedroom so her mother wouldn't come back in there.

Lauren flops herself facedown on her bed and sobs uncontrollably.
"Lauren, you're gonna have to tell them at some point." Camila says as she rubs Lauren's back.

"I know , I know !" Lauren says in an angry voice.

"Should I leave and give you some space?" Camila suggests.

"Yes, but at the same time no." Lauren tells her through her tears.

"You're the only one right now that I have to lean on." Lauren continues.

They stay up the rest of the night talking and eventually Camila is able to brighten Lauren's mood up.
Lauren finally comes to terms with telling her mother about her little secret.

I'm A Mess ~ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now