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A/N: This is an old version of this story the most recent is Siren Princess which contain more details. Along with having a confirm couple of Corvus and Damian(Russian veela prince)

-I do not own Harry Potter or its characters. Only Topaz which is my own character. Thoughts are in Italics.-

"GET BACK HERE POTTER!" Dudley yelled, running after a young boy with black hair. His goons  following right behind him, his round body being the cause why the boy managed to outrun them and hide behind a tree near a small lake. The boy waits patiently for the older boys to run pass him and out of sight. He then let his body relax, sliding down the tree trunk he was leaning against.

"Who are you running from?" his emerald eyes widen, looking around for the source of the voice, thinking it to be one of his bullies. Then he reprocessed the voice in his head realizing it sounded female instead of male. "Who said that?" he asked, eyes scanning the surrounding area, completely ignoring the water in front of him. "Me. Hello." she answered, waving her hand to grab his attention. He shifts his eyes toward the lake where a young girl around sixteen with long, straight black hair and blue topaz color eyes stared at him. Her skin was flawless as far as he could see, along with her being topless which, indeed, made him blush slightly.

"Who are you?" he asked. Her smile made her seem to glow, he rubbed his eyes, making sure he wasn't seeing things. "My name is Topaz. What would yours be?" she answers, placing her arms on the edge of the lake, leaning closer. "Harry Potter." He moves closer to the water, which is when he sees her blue tail, similar to the colour of her eyes. "You... are nnnot human," he stuttered. Topaz tilted her head to the side, "Of course not. I'm a siren and you are a wizard." He is taken aback by her and quickly asks, "How do you know I am a wizard?"

She placed her head on her arms, "I can feel your trapped magic, it's sad, it wants to be freed." she said with a sigh. Trapped? What does she mean?  "What do you mean, 'trapped'?" he asked. She lifts her head to look at him in the eye. "You have glamours and spells on you, which is the reason your magic is sad." She watches his face drop in defeat, bringing sadness to her. She takes one of his warm hands into her cold, wet ones, giving it a squeeze.

His lips lift into a small smile as he lifts his head, returning the squeeze, "I have lived a lie for years." She shakes her head and says, "It is not all bad because of a lie. We met and became friends, well, if you want to be my friend, that is?" his face lit up with a full smile, "Of course!" she grins, releasing his hand as she swims further in and jumps in happiness, saying, "Yay! A two legged friend!" he laughs at her antics.

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