"Uh and can you remind me of the time?" Camila asks.

"Your time is 8AM approximately, but be there before that." The lady confirms.

"Thank you." Camila says as they end the call.

Lauren comes from down the hallways , fully dressed with a towel wrapped around her wet hair.

"Oh you got your breathing under control ." Camila states.

"Yes I told you it was seriously just from me running." Lauren says.

"Anyways who was on the phone?" Lauren asks.

"The court house confirming your appearance." Camila replies.

Lauren rolls her eyes at the thought.

"I'm glad that it's coming up so I can finally get this behind me." Lauren says.

"Yeah I'm sure that it's a burden." Camila says.

"I just hate the fact that I have to come face to face with that dickhead again." Lauren says making a face of disgust.

"Just think of the fact that you're gonna make her life just a little bit better by hopefully getting rid of his rights." Camila says.

"Yeah you're right, because I sure as hell can not let my daughter be raised by that lame excuse of a man." Lauren says.

Around the second month of Rey being home, Lauren had started sneaking out on certain nights.

She reconnected with her friends Lucy and Keana , who were currently in college. One night Keana invited Lauren to a frat type of party, it was supposed to be a one time outing for her just to take a break from her new reality.

After awhile, she became addicted to this new "high".

Camila nor the Jauregui's ever caught Lauren's late night shenanigans. Mostly due to the fact that Lauren kinda gave up her bedroom to Camila and she began sleeping on the couch, accompanied by some lame excuse as to why she's choosing to sleep on the couch but no one questioned it.

Camila became such a big help to Rey, that it was like she didn't need Lauren.

This is when she added the "morning run" into the picture. She would leave the house around 11PM to turn up with Keana , Lucy and her newly found college friends when her household was all tucked in and sleep, then return at 2AM, sleep for about 3 hours then head out for her run to cover up what she did last night.

This night, Lauren debated going out because she knew she had court first thing in the morning and her mother would be home due to the fact that she's going to the courthouse with her and Camila.

But she ended up going anyway because this night she really felt the need to let loose.

Lauren stepped out of the house closing the door behind her. Luckily her house was built with doors that don't make a lot of noise, this is how she's successfully escaped every night.

Just as she stepped out Keana's vehicle pulled up to pick her up.

"Hey girllll!" Keana greets Lauren sounding as if she's started her partying earlier than planned.

I'm A Mess ~ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now