Chapter 96

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Chapter 96 Extinguisher

Noah's POV

Things kind of fell into place like I hoped they would. I was feeling better after writing my letter to Lex. It felt good to admit that for once; I really had no idea what was to come. My uncertainty was calming. I didn't have to know what the plan was. Meg, Luke, and I were somehow accepted into Seattle and I was just thankful that Meg's early graduation didn't cost her a spot. We all started making plans. We'd live in the dorms and Luke would be my roommate.

I rented the three of us a limo for Prom. I found myself pacing around my room, waiting for the time to come. I was excited for the last big high school event before we graduated. We only had to get through finals and then graduate. The anxiety of graduating was setting in with each passing day and I found myself looking around school, taking note of everything I would secretly miss. Most of all, I would miss my family and part of me was sad that I would be away during the first four years of my brother or sister's life. My mom was due any day now but she and my dad didn't want to know the sex of the baby until birth. I'd told them that it was stupid, constantly living with the anticipation that was driving us all mad. Whatever the sex of the baby, it was healthy and for that, we were all happy.

"Noah...They're here." My dad called up the stairs.

With one final look in the mirror, I exited my room and bound down the stairs. I'd seen Luke's suit already but as I emerged into the kitchen, Meg's dress took my breath away. She wore a bright red dress that hugged her every curve and I tried not to stare too long at her body. She was breathtakingly beautiful, blonde waves pulled halfway back. When she smiled, it lit up the whole room and seeing my best friends standing before me had never made me so happy.

" are beautiful."

"Thank you, Noah. You clean up pretty well yourself. You look great." She smiled as Luke strode over to where I was standing.

With his arm around me, I felt ready for the night, thinking I might have a better time than anticipated. My parents snapped endless pictures, some of me and Luke, me and Meg, and a few with all three of us. I took some pictures with my parents and eventually, I had to pry the camera from my mom's grasp, assuring her that I would be careful. The three of us had planned to attend the Prom and then hit up all of the highly anticipated after parties that would more than likely get busted by the cops. The three of us made a no drinking pact the night before, wanting to keep our night clean and responsible. I didn't know if it would actually happen but that's what we were going for.


Our Vegas themed prom was above and beyond my expectations, the juniors going above and beyond with the decorations. Our gym was unrecognizable and I couldn't imagine the time and effort that went into making the place look so good. I didn't care about the decorations and I was more focused on my friends, ready to have one of the best nights out with the two of them. Luke made some crude comments about some of the girls he saw as we made our way through the crowd, strobe lights making everything choppy, images standing still to our sight. The music was loud and overbearing but I still heard Meg's words as she tugged on my jacket sleeve.

"'s a photo booth. C'mon you guys!"

"Meg..." Luke groaned but I dragged him along as Meg pulled me by my tie.

My eyes widened at the long line to have pictures made but Meg didn't seem too phased and we took our spot at the back, watching as the line slowly moved forward. I crossed my arms, letting my eyes wonder over Meg's body. I hadn't gotten a good look at her in the thin dress she was wearing and what a shame it was. She looked great, the material clad to her skin, clinging to her every curve. I grunted, feeling a harsh blow to my shoulder.

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now