Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Extinguisher

Alexa's POV

I laughed, for once feeling good. The vodka was making me loose and I had a great buzz going on. I fetched Cole a beer from the kitchen and walked back into the living room. I smiled when he motioned for me to sit on his lap and I quickly obliged. We were at Victoria's house. She had a lot of parties because her parents were gone on business a lot. Everyone liked her just because she had the parties. I could see her in the corner making out with one of Noah's friends. I didn't see Noah at the moment.

Cole tightened his arms around my waist from behind and I looked up to see him smiling down at me. He wasn't drunk yet and I always liked this part of the night. I liked it because Cole was playful and he made me feel wanted. I liked to pretend that we were the perfect little couple, deeply in love. I like being close with Cole not because he means everything to me but because I want to feel loved. I mean, who doesn't want attention? We are humans and it feels good to be accepted. People come up with this shit about being individual and wanting to be their own person, not caring about what people think. To a certain extent, everyone cares about what others think of them. It's natural. It's the nature of the beast.

Cole's green eyes were darker than normal. I ran my hands through his jet black hair and kissed his cheek. Before I knew it, someone had shoved a bottle of vodka in my hands. I smiled, knowing it wouldn't be long and I'd be so drunk that I couldn't even think.


I woke up and realized I was in the arms of someone. I immediately thought it was Cole but I knew he was probably drunk too, more than likely passed out. Then I inhaled the mystery person's scent and I sighed in content.

"Noah..." I murmured.

"Yeah, it's me."


"Yes Lex?"

"I...thank you." I muttered, giggling for some reason.

"You're so drunk." I heard him mutter just before I leaned my head against his shoulder, clinging to his shirt as I him take me to wherever we were going.


"Lex, wake up. I have to wake you up." I heard Noah's voice in my ear, his lips brushing up against my skin.

I sat up immediately, rubbing my eyes and trying to ignore the chills that pricked my skin from merely Noah's touch.

"Where are we?" I asked but before he even answered me, I realized we were in his bedroom, lying down on his bed.

"My place. I texted your mom and told her you were staying over. She didn't mind because I told her you were really tired and that I was taking care of you."

"You're practically my cousin." I pointed out.

"No, I'm not. Not even close." He shook his head and I shrugged, blowing it off.

"You don't have to always protect me and carry me off to your house every single time I get drunk."

"Yes I do. You were about ready to fuck some random guy in a bathroom." he sighed, lifting his hand to rub over his face. 

"What?" I panicked.

"It's okay. I beat the guy's ass. You were telling him to stop and he wouldn't so eventually you started to follow him to the bathroom."

"Oh my god." I muttered, acting like it was a big deal when in all honesty, I didn't see it as a huge deal, knowing I had done worse.

I yawned and pulled the covers up to my chin.

"Just sleep Lex. You'll feel better tomorrow. I promise." Noah whispered.

I nodded and curled up into his blankets, turning opposite of him. Right before I fell asleep again, I felt him lay an arm over my hip, pulling me into his chest. Please don't let this happen.

Noah's POV

"I love you Noah."

"You do?"

"Of course. I want you. Please." She begged, batting her lashes as she placed her hand on my chest, feeling the rapid pounding of my heartbeat.

"Fuck." I cursed as she pressed her lips to my neck, licking and sucking at my skin.

"Do you love me?" she asked, her angelic voice immediately making me hard, teeth grazing over my skin before lightly biting down.

"Yes. I love you more than anything. I love you so much Lex."

"I want you to make love to me." she whispered.

I jerked awake, panting hard. I looked around my room. It was just a dream. It was a dream. I felt the bed shift beside me and I looked over to find her curled up in my blankets, in my bed. I briefly closed my eyes and tried to not think too much about my dream and her being in my bed right now. She didn't really say she loves me. It was just a dream. Chill the fuck out Noah, I told myself, wiping the beads of sweat from my forehead.

"I was watching you sleep. Were you dreaming?" she asked curiously.

I felt my face warm again, the temperature getting hot in my room.

"I don't know." I lied, not wanting to tell her what I was dreaming.

"Oh. I should probably go."

"You could stay and have pancakes with me and my dad like you used to. Cassie's at work so it'll be the three of us. You haven't stayed with me in so long. It could be like old times." I offered.

"I don't want to intrude. It's okay if I'm not welcome around here anymore. I know in the past few months we haven't really talked."

I almost laughed at the fact that she figured she wasn't welcome. She's the only person I wanted here with me.

"Lex, you're always welcome here."

"Really?" she asked, looking up through her lashes.

"Of course." I gulped.

"I just...feel like you feel pressured to ask me. It doesn't matter. You don't have to ask me to stay. I'm serious. It doesn't bother me. If you want me to leave, just tell me to leave."

"Jesus Christ Lex, I don't want you to leave."

"Okay." She nodded, looking so damn innocent.

"Thank you so much Noah...for last night."

Before I knew it, she crawled over in front of me on the bed. My hands were shaking I was so nervous. I didn't know what she was going to do. I held my breath as she came closer, bringing her lips up to my forehead and planting a kiss there. It was so unlike her. She'd never been one for affection except when she was buzzed or drunk. Even then, Cole was the only one who ever got her affection. When sober, she kept to herself, always shy and unconfident. At school, she walked with her head hung low and I had to stop myself from walking up to her, intertwining our hands, and kissing her lips.

She looked embarrassed after simply kissing my forehead. I shook my head, knowing she shouldn't feel that way. If only she knew how much I wanted her to do that again. My cheeks flushed hot.


"We should go out there. Uncle Nick is probably up." She interrupted me, abruptly standing from my bed.

I watched her as she shimmied to get her ripped black skinny jeans up her legs. A smirk became evident on my face as I stared at her ass. She had such a nice one and I couldn't help it. However, the smile was totally wiped from my face as I noticed a few red marks littering over the skin of her inner left thigh. I contained the tears trying to form in my eyes and clamped my mouth shut, having no clue what to say. They were new cuts, within the past couple of days. I knew that much. Lex left my room, not even waiting on me. I knew she was avoiding whatever I was about to say. I didn't even know what I was going to say. That's the thing. When I'm around her, I can't think clearly.


Vote, comment, and share! The story is about to pick up some! Trailer link in my bio. 

Faith <3

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora