Chapter 43

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A/N: The gif is killing me because when I am writing, this is how I picture Noah looking at Lex. askdjfpoaskdjf

Chapter 43 Extinguisher

Alexa's POV

You know how you put things off and even when you know it's right there, so close, you procrastinate some more, waiting for the time to come when you finally have to get off your ass and face it? That's how Thanksgiving felt. Cole was obviously going with us, my family being the only family he had now. Everyone was going to Noah's house and just the thought made me want to vomit. Cole seemed uneasy about the entire thing, undoing and then redoing his tie about a million times. I'd told him he didn't have to dress up but he insisted and he looked amazing in his dress shirt, dark green tie, and slacks.

"Cole, you look great."

"You look stunning." He smiled, his eyes roaming my body.

I had on a plain long sleeved black dress paired with leggings and black boots.

"Thank you." I whispered, pressing my lips to his in a quick kiss.

He obviously had other plans, pulling me in to kiss me longer and harder, his hands at my waist.

"Okay...We need to go downstairs." I nodded, pulling away from him.

"I feel very weird about going to Noah's house for Thanksgiving."

"I know, Cole, but it will be okay and I'm sure he'll be preoccupied with his girlfriend." I told him aware that I was also speaking to myself, trying to rationalize my thoughts.

"As long as you're there, I'll be happy. I'm most thankful for you."

"And I'm thankful for you, baby." I nodded, kissing his forehead and practically dragging him from my bedroom.


My hands shook, my mom giving me a reassuring smile as we walked into Noah's. Cole's arm was planted firmly around my waist, his grip remaining tight around me. I knew he didn't want to let me go, uncomfortable about being at Noah's in the first place. I didn't mind. I let him hold me, ignoring Ben's glare as we all walked into the foyer, Uncle Nick waiting to greet us. He went down the line, welcoming everyone. When he got to me, he wrapped me in a tight hug, lifting me from the ground, causing Cole's arm to disjoin from around my waist.

"Hello, princess Lex. We missed seeing your face around here."

"Missed you too Uncle Nick. I think you might have briefly met him, but...this is my boyfriend, Cole Massey." I introduced him as Nick lowered me to the ground again.

I watched them shake hands, Uncle Nick nodding curtly.

"Nice attire, Mr. Massey. I've been trying to get my son to dress like that since he was out of the womb." Nick chuckled, motioning to Cole's suit.

"It's not an everyday thing, sir." Cole chuckled, taking my hand into his as they both shared a laugh.

Uncle Nick then moved to Ben and I knew they would be talking for ages, both of them unbelievably close. I think their relationship even bothered my dad, considering my dad and Ben butt heads a lot. Despite this, I know Ben sees our dad as his hero. He loves him and I know my dad knows this.

"Hey, Cole, I'm going to use the bathroom, okay? I'll be right back."

Cole's eyebrows furrowed, giving him away. He didn't want me out of his sight at all, but I knew he'd be okay if I just gave him a bit of reassurance, some comforting words that would hopefully calm him.

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now