Chapter 56

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Chapter 56 Extinguisher

Alexa's POV

Summer was going to end at some point, but I avoided that the same way I avoided a lot of things, like the fact that my own brother, Sawyer was secretly seeing a women eleven years older than him, a women with a kid. I tried to forget about what I'd walked in on, throwing all of my energy into being the best girlfriend I could be and watching Cole like a hawk. I worried about him after our last conversation. I got it. I knew what it was like to feel the things he was feeling. Sometimes, I still feel that way like maybe I don't really have a purpose and am only a burden to those around me.

But then I look into Noah's eyes and I see the love and adoration he feels towards me. I know he loves me and I know that my beautiful family loves me. That is enough to take my mind to a much better place, one far away from self-destruction. As July approached, I grew excited for our family trip, one we took almost every year with Noah's family. Ever since I could remember, we'd gone to Hawaii at least once every couple years with Nick, Cassie, and Noah. This time...I knew it would only be Nick and Noah, seeing as Cassie hadn't been back since Thanksgiving other than to pick up her belongings. I'd asked Noah how he felt about the situation but he remained fairly quiet about it. I think to an extent, it still bothered him, knowing he'd been kept in the dark for so long, not knowing what was going on behind closed doors. Apparently, Noah's parents had been having the affair for almost two years without anyone knowing about it. I think that's what bothered Noah the most...the secrecy of it all. Cassie told Uncle Nick that she wanted a divorce and Noah said he cried until two o'clock in the morning when he heard his mother sneak through the house.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Nick and Lily are still sleeping together. It's none of my business and I honestly have no room to talk about being faithful. I guess Noah's parents really love each other.

"Lex, we are leaving in two days and you haven't even started washing clothes. I saw all those piles of dirty laundry in your room." My mom scolded as I came downstairs to grab a bottle of water. I made my way over to her, wrapping my arms around her body from behind, hugging her tightly before pulling away.

"What do you want?" she asked, folding the blouse in her hand.

"Well...I was wondering if Aero could come with us."

"Lex, we've already talked about this. Aunt Paige is keeping Aero while we're gone. It's only two weeks."

"But...I'm going to miss him so much. Can't I put him in my carry-on bag?" I pleaded, poking my bottom lip out in a failed attempt to pout.

"No. You'll have Noah there with you, Lex. You'll be fine for two weeks."

"Noah isn't as cute as Aero though." I joked, smiling as I heard him approach from behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"What do I hear about this? Noah isn't as cute as Aero? You wouldn't even have Aero if it weren't for me." he snapped, pecking my cheek as I turned around in his arms.

I pressed my lips to his and my mother cleared her throat, making me pull away from him to poke my lip out, begging my mother one more time but already knowing she wasn't going to cave.

"Ugh, fine but I'm writing out a detailed list to give Aunt Paige. He'll need his favorite toys and his shampoo so she can give him a bath and we'll have to take his food over there so she doesn't feed him anything he's allergic to and ...He won't need to be in the same room as Uncle Tim because Uncle Tim can't even keep a goldfish alive."

Noah tightened his grip around me and I smiled up at him.

"Babe, Aero will be fine. It's only two weeks and then we'll be right back here with him." Noah assured.

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