Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Extinguisher

Alexa's POV

When I saw those tiny, almost nonexistent scars on his skin, I broke down because something deep inside me broke. I couldn't think about Noah doing that to himself. I guess now I have a slight idea of how he feels but I still want to think that he doesn't really care about me. I don't know why I can't accept it. I've always settled for so much less than Noah and being around him feels odd. It's like I'm dating some kind of superhuman being. Not that Noah and I are dating but it's so hard to get over this feeling. I've decided I'm going to try for him. I can't rush into anything but I'm trying to open up to him a little at a time, as much as I possibly can. I'm really trying. I just hope he sees that.

Things at school are awkward. I can't stand being around Cole for some reason. Every time he touches me, I cringe. I know I have to do something. I know I'm a bitch sometimes but I'm not a bitch who goes around acting like a whore. I'm not even sure that makes sense, but it does to me. I went into the cafeteria and sat down beside Cole, avoiding eye contact with him. I wasn't scared of him because I knew there was nothing to be afraid of. We'd had our fights, our 'knock down drag outs' but Cole was the most sensitive guy at heart, someone who was so often misunderstood.

"Cole, we need to talk."

"Hold on Lex, I'm busy." He said, laughing at something one of his friends was saying, his hand reaching for mine, attempting to drag me down to the seat beside him.

"Cole, I really need to talk to you now!"

"Can't you see that I'm busy? You're acting like a bitch." He groaned.

I rolled my eyes and tried to pull on his arm before he shot me daggers.

"Don't fucking touch me." he snapped, his eyes blazing, but it didn't faze me simply because I knew he was just being moody, his attitude always changing with the drop of a hat.

"Fine! You want me to do this in front of all your friends? Fine. We're over!"

He smiled evilly, looking into my eyes with his cold, stony ones. I knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to intimidate and scare me, but after years of dating me on and off, he should've known better.

"Chill out will you? We're not over, nor will we ever be. You're not breaking up with me, do you understand?" he asked, reaching for my hand only making me even angrier as I snatched my hand away from his hold.

"I'm pretty sure I just did." I said before getting up and making my way to the other side of the cafeteria to plop down next to Noah.

I looked at him, burying my head in my right hand, rubbing relentlessly at my throbbing forehead.

"Is he looking over here?" I asked.

I felt Noah place his hand on my back, rubbing up and down in long soothing strokes, his warm hand relaxing me and somehow making everything seem much better than it was in reality.

"Yes but why wouldn't he? You're a beautiful girl."

"No...he's not looking at me because I'm beautiful." I began explaining "He's looking at me because I just broke up with him."

Noah choked on his orange juice and for a second I was sure he was dying until he regained his composure after I nearly beat him on the back. He let out a laugh, choking some more.

"Oh my god Noah, are you okay?"

"Yeah." he smiled, shaking his head and talking another sip of his orange juice, coughing a couple more times before finally calming down, his cheeks tinted a light pink.

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now