Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 Extinguisher

Noah's POV

"Look all I'm saying is...I think you're doing it wrong."

"But I'm not. The box says to do it like this. You're supposed to add two cups of milk." She insisted, her voice whiny and oh so adorable.

" looks like soup. It's supposed to be thick."

"It'll cook down, Noah!"

I pressed myself behind her, pressing my crotch against her ass while she cooked. She dropped the spoon into the pain as I pressed my lips to her neck, my breath wafting around her skin as my arms snuck around her waist, pressing against her stomach to pull her tighter against my body.

"No...Noah I can't cook when you're doing that."

"Hm?" I asked, acting like I was oblivious to what I was doing to her as I took her earlobe between my lips, lightly biting at it.

She attempted to pull away from me, but I held her that much tighter, preventing her small body from moving away from me. I simply craved her affection all the time. I didn't want it to ever end because it filled the void in my life...for the most part. We'd been like this since I'd kissed her up against that porch, Meg and I growing closer with each passing day. Before school, I'd stop by her house to pick her up, in between classes, I ran to the underclassmen wing to make out with her behind the quad and after school, we hung out at her house or mine until it was time to call it a night, repeating the process all over again the next day. It had only been a week. Somehow I managed to keep our relationship on the down low which was a complete relief to me. I wasn't ready for my friends to know about it. Or maybe I wasn't ready for...Lex to know. I shouldn't care because she has a boyfriend, but despite that, I'd just feel weird about the whole thing.

There's also the fact that Meg is very different from my group of friends. If I told Luke, he'd run his loud ass mouth all around and all of my other friends are basically stoners. I don't even know how I feel about exposing Meg to their unsympathetic attitudes and careless lifestyles. 

I felt Meg shift in my arms, turning around to look into my eyes, hers appearing as innocent as the first time we'd met. To say that I was attached to her would pretty much sum up everything. I like that she adores me. I like that. Despite the fact that I think of Lex every day, it's so appealing to be with someone who wants to be with you as much as you do them.  

"Are you okay?" she questioned as her eyes searched mine, her warm hand pressing to my cheek where there was slight stubble.

I nodded, sending her a goofy smile which made her giggle, the high pitched and shrill sound still making me laugh. Her smile fell into a frown; her pouty lips making her look even cuter.

"Meg, don't pout." I teased, pinching her full cheeks only to have her swat my hand away and slip under my arm, darting away from me before rounding the kitchen island.

"Come here." I demanded, my voice stern despite the fact that I was only playing.

She just shook her head, a smirk adoring her perfect face, taking a step as I did, using the counter as her protection, us moving in a circle. I knew I could catch her but instead, I looked down at the brownie batter in the bowl, dipping my finger into it and holding it out so she could see what I was threatening her with.

"What are you going to do with that? Eat it?" she giggled as I licked the batter off my finger before dipping my finger back into the bowl.

"That's disgusting and that has raw eggs in it. There could be salmonella in..."

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now