Chapter 80

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Chapter 80 Extinguisher

Alexa's POV

"I need to get in there. The least you can do is tell me what happened."

"I'm sorry ma'am but right now I can only disclose that information to immediate family. If you'll have a seat, I'll let you know as soon as I can."

I slammed my hand down on the countertop, the woman's eyes narrowing from my outburst. The thing was; I didn't care and I would make a scene if that helped me in any way. Hell, in that moment, I wanted to make a scene even if it didn't help my case at all.

"Immediate family? We're all he's got! They are the reason he's in here. Now, I need to know! I don't care if it's against your protocol. I don't give a flying..."

I trailed off, turning around as I felt someone's hand wrapping around my elbow. Sawyer pulled me back to the waiting area, shaking his head as he turned my body so that I was facing him. His eyes were bloodshot considering he had rushed to the hospital, someone dropping him off from a party. Now, I looked at him standing before me, his eyes pleading for me to calm down and not make a scene with the hospital staff. My parents were both slouched in their chairs, sipping some coffee and looking absolutely distraught, the same as they would be if Cole was one of their own children. Sawyer was trying to calm me and Ben had his arms crossed, glancing at my parents in between staring at the swinging doors that led to the intensive care unit. Aaron was sitting completely still, ignoring his handheld game, unable to see it due to the tears in his eyes.

"Sawyer, I can't take this anymore. They have to tell us what the hell is going on. I can't handle this. I just...can't."

"I know. It's going to be okay. He'll be fine."

"How do you know that? We don't even know why he's in here."

"Shh..." his hands squeezed at my shoulders, a failed attempt to make me cooperative.

"No. I can't...I'm breaking down." I cried, wiping at my tears just as Sawyer pulled me into his arms.

I didn't care about how I was supposed to be angry with Sawyer. I didn't care about how we'd barely spoken in a long while. I just allowed him to hold me and I cried into the warm skin at his neck. His strong arms held my trembling body, allowing me to cry against him.

"Shh...It's going to be okay. It will work out. Noah's coming. He'll make you feel better. I'm so sorry, Lex. I wish there was something I could do...I'd do anything to stop the pain you're feeling right now. Do you want me to get you some coffee or something to eat? We can go for a little walk or..."

"It's okay. Just keep hugging me, will you?"

"Of course, Lex. Shhh..." he soothed me, hands running up and down my back as my body shuddered against him.

I turned around as I felt some arms wrap around my waist. I was met with Ben's tall frame and Aaron, whose arms were wrapped tightly around my stomach as he sniffled into the back of my shirt. I buried my hand into his hair and squatted down to pull my little brother into my hold.

"Lex...I'm sorry." Aaron hiccupped, crying against my shoulder.

"Don't cry, Aaron. It will be okay." I wiped my tears, wishing the young boy would dry his tears so I could breathe again.

I felt him nod against my shoulder and I squeezed his body so tightly. His sobs lessened but came back with a bang, crying hard as I sat down and lifted him into my lap, letting him cry as he lay against me, head against my chest, his mop of curls tickling at my skin.

"He a brother. He was my video game partner in crime. Who's going to play Grand Theft Auto with me? Who's going to be the bad guy on..."

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now