Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Extinguisher

*12 years later from Epilogue*

Ben-24 years old

Alexa-18 years old

Sawyer-19 years old

Aaron-11 years old

Leigh-38 years old

Nick-38 years old

Ray-42 years old

Noah- 17 years old

A/N ****IMPORTANT*****

This sequel will be in the POV's of mostly Alexa (Ray and Leigh's daughter) and Noah (Nick's son). They are teenagers and young adults and this sequel will be a story about their lives. I hope you enjoy!!!


Alexa's POV

Downing the tequila shots didn't help much. I still felt empty inside and my wrists and arms still burned. The funny thing is; sometimes I don't even know why I am the way I am. Sometimes, it makes no sense to me at all. I have an amazing home life but inside, I feel empty. One of my best friends, Amanda died last year and I was in the car with her. I guess that's when all this started, the drinking and all the other crap. I tried so well to hide it...especially from my parents. I loved them and I knew they'd be devastated, so I just pretended that everything was fine and so far, that was working.

I watched her die. I was in the car and nobody even found us at first. I was stuck underneath the car and I remember her breaths starting to shallow out until she was no longer breathing. I cried until somebody got there and I immediately ran into my mother's arms when I got out from underneath the car. She was the only one who could understand what it felt like to lose a best friend. My mom had lost her sister, the girl I was named after. You don't realize how traumatizing it is to see a person, a human, die right in front of your eyes until it happens to you.

So that's how I became a totally wild and crazy spirit. Some just called me a slut but I pretended like I didn't care. I took my frustration and depression out on my body, scars littered across my breasts, thighs, and wrists. What can I say? Life sucks. That's the nasty sickening truth.

I woke up with a hangover and I didn't know where I was.

"When are you going to stop doing this? Huh? I totally saved your little ass last night."

I sat up in bed, realizing immediately that I was in Noah's room. He was always saving me. I guess that's what friends are supposed to do but he is annoying. He's always been too freaking perfect. He's the perfect guy that my family loves. They kind of have to love him I guess. He's practically family to us. My brothers and I call his dad Uncle Nick. Nick is my parent's friend and he and Noah have been in my life for as long as I can remember.

Noah handed me a couple of pills and a glass of water. I washed the tablets down but the water made me want to puke everywhere.

"Did you see Cole at the party?" I asked, my throat hoarse.

"Yeah, he was passed out. That guy is a bad influence on you. You're too good for the lowlife piece of shit."

"Hey. Chill out, will you?"

Noah rolled his eyes and took the glass from me, placing it on his bedside table.

"Did Uncle Nick see me come here last night?"

"No I carried you in at three a.m. He was asleep. You can sneak out my window when you're ready."

"It's no use sneaking out. My parents obviously are going to know that I didn't come home last night."

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें