Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 Extinguisher

Noah's POV

Meg's parents disappeared from the living room, walking hand in hand down the hallway just to the left side of the stairwell. The departure left Meg seeming even more nervous. Her hands trembled but she tried to disguise it by folding and unfolding her hands.

"Do you want something to drink? We have milk, water, Coke, root beer, and my mom just made some lemonade. Or I could make you some tea or coffee if you'd like. Let's see we have..." she began rambling but I took her hand, causing her to trail off, her cheeks reddening and her puffy lips forming a slight smile.

"I'm okay." I assured, nodding before pulling her a little closer, filled with the urge to touch her cheek just like the last time we were together, which is exactly what I did.

My thumb ran over her cheek bone and my fingertips buried themselves in the hair at her neck, my body relaxing as I watched her innocent little self, respond to me, eyes fluttering closed, chills pricking at the skin of her arms. It was a moment, just like what we had before. She wasn't Lex, but she was Meg and she obviously had some feelings for me, one's that she was willing to show.

"W-What are you doing here?" she asked, her trembling hand surprisingly grabbing onto my hip, my hands still at either side of her face, relishing in the feeling of her soft skin against my hands.

I didn't know why I was being so affectionate, but with Meg, it felt okay to be that way. It seemed like she wanted me to be that way with her. What's crazier; I wanted to be that way too.

"I came to see if maybe you'd want to go hang out with me this evening."

She broke our gaze, looking down to my chest, her eyebrows furrowing, telling me that she either didn't want to go, or couldn't go. Something about that made my stomach turn because I honestly didn't want to leave without her. I'm looking for affection and she's the only person I can think of who I can stand to get it from. Vic just can't give me any type of feeling that I'm looking for and I want to find what I lost with Lex. I feel like Meg could potentially do that for me. I think Meg could be good for me.

"You don't want to?" I asked, my mood deflating, feeling like rejection was so close.

"No, it's not that Noah! It's just...I promised my mom I would watch this marathon with her. She's been working so much and she just got here on Friday before my party. She works two hours away and when she doesn't work from home, sometimes she has to stay in a hotel while she's on business. I really want to hang out with you more than you know. It's just..."

"I completely understand, Meg. It's not a big deal." I assured even though just the thought of leaving filled me with the urge to cry.

Why am I so damn emotional all the time?

" could stay here. I mean....that's so lame hanging out with me and my mom, but if you wanted to...She wouldn't mind."

"Are you sure?" I asked, pushing her hair back away from her shoulder, my eyes scanning her body, finding no flaws whatsoever.

Her hair was so soft and beautiful. At first glance, it looked brown but if you really paid attention, it also had a bit of blonde and red in it. Her eyes were even prettier, their deep brown color seeming so pure and so innocent. She just gave off the innocent vibe that was quite frankly attractive as hell. As I stared at her lovely, doll-like face, she didn't morph into Lex, but instead stayed Meg. Sure, Lex is constantly appearing in my mind at the most inconvenient of times, but it will go away.

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now