Chapter 61

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Chapter 61 Extinguisher

Alexa's POV

I knew that he was only trying to protect me, only trying to keep our vacation peaceful, but that didn't change the fact that I was madder than ever, completely distraught by the thought of Cole getting hurt. I still hadn't called him. Something was stopping me from doing that. I was scared to call him, scared I wouldn't be able to handle it as soon as I heard his voice.

As I sat on the edge of the bathtub, clutching my phone in my hands, I knew exactly what I had to do. I knew that I had to hear his voice. I was going crazy not being around him and I needed more than anything to just make sure he was safe.

I quickly dialed his number, sighing deeply as I put my phone to my ear. My heart raced as the line rang over and over again. It felt like hours before I finally heard him pick up, surprising me. I didn't expect him to pick up, especially since sometimes he didn't even carry his cell phone. Despite my shock, I felt relieved, so consoled just by hearing his voice.

"Cole..." I whispered, into the speaker, already wiping a fallen tear.

"Alex, I want you back. I want you here. Please, come back home." He pleaded, making my heart drop and almost agree immediately.

"Cole, I can't."

"No, you don't understand. I need you here. Please...come back. I'm begging you. Please." he cried into the phone as I slid down from the edge of the tub to sit on the bathmat, my back pressed against the white acrylic material.

"Lex, I'm sorry about everything. I'm sorry for drinking and cheating and just stupid. I'm so sorry for hurting you. I hate myself for it. I hate myself for treating you badly. I'm so sorry, baby, but I'll do anything to have you back. Alex...I need you. I need you so much. Please." he cried and I could feel myself slowly begin to shatter, to completely break by his episode of complete distraught.

"Cole, where are you right now?"

"It doesn't matter. I just need you. I want you back."

"Cole, please answer me. Are you at your mom's house?"

The line was silent for a full minute before I heard him sigh, releasing another sob as he continued to break down. I wanted to hold him, to feel his body against mine. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, how much I was pained by knowing he was hurting.

"If I don't have mom's the only person I have left."

"Cole, she doesn't care about you!" I nearly screamed, trying to get through to him.

"And you do!" he yelled.

"Yes! I do! Please, just go back to my house. Go get Aero from Paige and take him back to my house. Just stay there and..."


"Cole...I'm so worried. Please, get out of that house." I cried.

"Not unless you come back to me."

"Cole...You don't understand."

I opened my mouth to speak but as I did, the line went dead, letting me know that he'd hung up on me. I quickly redialed his number, my call going straight to voicemail. My heart felt completely broken, the aching in my chest never subsiding for a moment. I stuffed my phone in my pocket; feeling urges that were consuming my body, wanting something to distract me. I wanted something to take me away from this disturbing reality. I wanted to just feel happy again, and I knew that that was more than likely impossible. I thought being with Noah would just automatically make me happy, but maybe I was wrong.

Maybe it's impossible for me to actually be happy. Maybe I'm doomed. I'm preconceived to be my lonely, fucked

Noah's POV

"Thanks for ruining everything, Noah. Just...thanks." Lex muttered as she emerged from the bathroom.

My eyes immediately flicked down to her wrists, relieved to see that she hadn't harmed herself.

What if she harmed herself where I can't see? What if she cut elsewhere?


"Look, I really don't want to talk to you. I think we just need some space from each other."

"But I don't want any space from you." I explained, wanting to explain everything and let her know that I still love her and was only trying to protect her from getting sad again.

I knew I'd failed, causing her so much pain, but I wanted to fix it...if that was still possible. I wanted to kiss her and hold her, coming up with a long reassuring speech, but I knew I was quite simply running out of those. I was running out of reassuring words and even my hope was faltering. I still wanted her but I didn't see how this was working when all she did was doubt that we could make it. I was beginning to do the same, but I still love her.

"Lex, please just let me explain."

"There is nothing to explain, Noah. You kept this from me. You knew he was going back to an abusive home and you didn't even tell me. I could have stopped him. I could have! I can't forgive you for this right now! Cole is important to me, Noah! Why didn't you tell me? Why?"

"Because...well...I was scared!"

"Scared of what, Noah?"

"That you...That if you knew he was hurting and going to that would jump on a plane and you would take him back. I was scared that you would start blaming yourself in some way and that you would hurt yourself. I'm so scared of that, Lex." I whispered, feeling my ache at the mere thought.

She looked up at me, brown eyes bright and releasing tears, her nimble fingers wiping away the moisture falling down her cheeks. I couldn't wait another moment. Before she could protest, I wrapped her tightly in my arms, my arms tightening around her back as I swayed us back and forth. I refused to let go, letting the embrace calm me and warm my body.

"I love you, Lex. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me."

"I won't. You know I won't." she whispered.

"Do I?" I asked, pushing her hair back trying to somehow read her with my eyes.

She sighed, her hands reaching up to wind around my neck, tugging at the hair just up from my neck. I wanted to kiss her, to close the distance between our lips.

"I promise, I won't."

As she promised what I'd wanted to hear all along, I pulled her into my body, attaching my lips to hers and kissing her with absolutely everything I had, the kiss delicate and slow as my tongue parted her lips. She moaned into my mouth, pulling me closer as my body began relaxing against hers. Just as the kiss was heating up, she pulled away from me panting and breathless.

"Noah, I love you. You know that, don't you?"

"I love you too, baby, just as much." I said quickly before bringing my lips back to hers.


Is it just me or do you too smell drama approaching?

Do you think that Lex should get back together with Cole or are you shipping Nex?

This entire story is making me much more emotional than I expected but I guess it's always that way. Honestly, you've seen nothing yet. This story is just heating up.


Vote, share, and comment. xx

Faith <3 

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