Chapter 47

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Chapter 47 Extinguisher

Alexa's POV

I found Noah at 5: 45, swinging away at our spot. Smiling, I walked up to him, holding two cappuccinos, the contents warming my hands through the to-go mugs.

"I figured you should take a break from the tequila." I smiled, handing him his cup, a smile grazing across his pink lips.

"Thanks, Lex." He nodded, taking a sip immediately and burning his mouth, cursing under his breath as I chuckled.

" want to tell me why I'm here?" I asked, placing my hand on my hip.

"Just swing. You're making me nervous standing there." he told me, motioning for me to take my spot on the swing beside his.

I obliged, looking at my surroundings as I did. The pool was now green, obviously no longer in operation, someone being too lazy to even cover the damn thing. Some kids played on the playground beside us and I smiled, realizing that Noah and I had never come here at this time of day. It was peaceful, the sun setting as our swings creaked back and forth.



"How's Meg?" I asked, itching to find out what happened between them the previous nights, thoughts of them making love haunting me, tearing apart what little piece I had left of my heart.

"Lex, I don't want to talk about Meg. Nothing happened. I just...went to her were at my house but were with Cole. I mean, I wanted you. I wanted to run away with you but...I couldn't. So, I went to Meg and she just comforted me and told me to go home and get some sleep. Obviously, I didn't. Nothing happened between us. We're not together."

"Well, maybe you should try to get her back. You know...."

"Do you try to make me pissed off, Lex?" he snapped, looking at me with a straight face, his question sincere.

"No." I whispered, pitifully shaking my head, my eyes trained on my boots pushing through the wet sand beneath my feet.

"Look, I'm sorry I'm being such and asshole all the time. I just...I'm not me without you. I've had to watch you push me away for too long. I know I use Meg. I feel like shit about that. I'm not a good person. I'm such a dick sometimes."

"That's not true. I'm the bad person here. You deserve Meg. You deserve to be happy."

"But...can't you see that I'm not happy, Lex? I feel as if I'm slowly dying from pain. It consumes my body. I know I smile and I laugh. I act happy but I'm so fucking scared. The only time I'm happy is when I'm with you." He admitted, his blue eyes flicking up and looking into mine with such intensity that it gave me chills.

My heart tore at his words and I wanted more than anything to kiss him, to get up from my swing and make my way over to him. I couldn't do that. I kept my head cast down, clenching my jaw tightly as I gritted my teeth together.

One more thought of Noah hurting and I'd be a puddle of tears. I don't care if he's an asshole sometimes. I love him the way he is. If I can't love his flaws, I have not right to love anything about him. But, I love it all. I love him when he's yelling at me and when he's kissing my scars. I love when he's cussing me or holding me in his arms, his long legs tangled with mine.

God, that sounds like some cheesy line from a chick flick.

Dammit, Noah, what the hell are you doing to me? I'm not supposed to love you like this.

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now