Chapter 68

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Chapter 68 Extinguisher

Alexa's POV

My mother handed me a thermos full of hot coffee and I thanked her, allowing the warm beverage to calm my nerves. The liquid soothed my throat, leaving my belly with this warm feeling that distracted me from how terrified I actually was. Noah had gone to school and I was up at seven-thirty to prepare for my interview at Smith's, the café where Noah and I spent some of our nights. It seemed fitting. I wanted to work somewhere I felt at home, a place that made me happy, and I knew that it was time for me to make some money while I figured out what was next for me. I didn't feel bad about not going to college right away. I stood by my decision to defer my scholarship for a year. I needed time to find myself and I wanted to wait for Noah.

"Alexa, you are going to knock their socks off. Just be you. Besides, good ole Smith loves you. No way will he not hire you." my dad assured as my mom handed him his coffee and took a seat next to him.

I watched as he turned to her, placing his hand on her thigh and leaning in to peck her lips. I continued to drink my coffee, standing in the kitchen with my eyes glued to my parents. I never complained about their affection. I never wanted to because their love was so rare to find. Of course they had their arguments just like normal couples do from time to time, but there was never any yelling. My parents simply remained in love and I could only hope, one day I could be like them.

"Princess, you're going to do amazing, okay?"

I nodded at my dad and he motioned for me to come over to him. I was wrapped in his comforting arms moments later and I felt my mom join in, wrapping her arms around me too. I sighed into my dad's t-shirt clad chest and he just squeezed me tighter, held onto me longer.

"I'm so proud of you. You're my beautiful of my greatest achievements. I love you, Lexa."

"I love you too, dad. Thank you, and thank you mom." I smiled, holding them both so tightly as tears began to form in my eyes.

"Don't you cry, princess." My dad said and I smiled, quickly wiping at my eyes as we all pulled away.

My father looked at me and just did that thing where he communicated his feelings with his eyes. He didn't have to tell me how proud he was. I just knew it. I'd felt loved in my own home forever. When my friend, Amanda died in that car crash, they were there. When I watched her take her last dying breath, my family was there for me. They'd been with me every step of the way and I knew it wouldn't stop.


"I'd be crazy not to hire you, Alexa. I want you working here. Anyone who loves this place like you do shouldn't be denied an opportunity to work here. So I want to go ahead and show you around back and get all of your paperwork sorted."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Smith. I appreciate this very much and I know I have a lot to offer. I'll work hard for you and your business."

The familiar gray haired man watched me, a hint of a smile appearing on his face as he nodded, stroking his gray beard.

Noah's POV

"Dude, we're taking over this school. Victoria is gone, Cole is gone, and Lex is gone."

"You think I'm happy my girlfriend is gone?" I asked Luke, narrowing my eyes at my dark headed friend, sitting across from me in English.

Luke was distracting me from the small petite girl across the room, the same girl I had sex with and watched love me. To say she looked different was an understatement and Luke was practically drooling over her as we spoke. She'd changed so much. She looked so much older and I didn't know how I felt about that fact. She still seemed innocent, but not like she was before. Her hair was now blonde and hung all the way down her chest in loose waves.

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