Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 Extinguisher

Noah's POV

I'm only seventeen but I'm feeling things that I didn't know were possible for me. I've made so many mistakes. I've fucked too many girls to count in the past year and now I kind of have the one girl I really want. I don't know what exactly we are but I want her as mine. I want her as all mine. I feel like I need her, physically, mentally, emotionally. Every part of my being wants her and only her.

I know she's scared. I'm fucking terrified. What if something goes wrong? What if she changes her mind and takes back that asshole. I can't believe he touched her in a harmful way. I don't care if he was drunk. I don't care if someone was pointing a gun to his head. If he ever touches her again, I'll make sure he can't ever walk again.

"Dude, you are like about to break that graduated cylinder man."

I looked up at Luke. I hadn't been paying attention to our chemistry experiment whatsoever and he was right. I was about to shatter the glass cylinder in my gloved hands.

"Noah, what the hell is going on with you lately? You're so distant. You haven't even been drinking. When's the last time you got laid?"

"Like I give a fuck about that." I snapped, shaking my head and immediately muttering an apology under my breath before trying to explain everything to Luke.

"Luke, I'm going fucking insane. That fucking douchebag Cole hit Lex and if he even gets near her again, I don't know what I will do. I can't control my anger. I know I won't be able to. If she went back to him....God, it will crush me." I admitted, shaking my head and closing my eyes briefly.

"Dude, you just need to chill. I've never seen you like this, so threatening and angry. Lex is just a girl. I know you want to protect her, but you can't change whatever happened between them in their relationship. It's out of your hands."

"No, but I can stop that from happening again. Luke, you don't get it. Lex isn't just a girl. She's practically my family. I love her."

"What?" he said, his wavered attention causing him to drop the graduated cylinder onto the floor, shattering it.

I groaned, wondering if he could get any more clumsy and uncoordinated. Once we were eight, he knocked over the entire table of Gatorade after our soccer practice and I'd had to stop the whole team from beating his ass.

"Dumbass." I muttered, attempting not to laugh at his clumsiness.

"Would you shut the fuck up and explain to me how you're in love with Lex?"

"I...I've loved her forever. I just...She's never given me to time of day until now."

He looked at me, his right eyebrow cocked in question as a shit eating grin spread across his face.

"So, are you and Lex a thing? Like, are the two of you dating?"

I closed my eyes briefly as Luke took off his jacket and slung it down on the floor, cleaning up the pink liquid that had spilled out of the graduated cylinder.

"Is that stuff toxic?"

"No, Mr. Paranoia." Luke laughed, making a bigger mess with the liquid and glass than before.

"You're an idiot. We're probably going to fail this lab now." I pointed out, motioning to the mess he had made in the floor as he spread the mess all around with the thin jacket that did no good.

"Whatever. Just stop changing the subject. Are you and Lex a thing or not?"

"Okay, so here's the thing. What do you mean by a thing? Do you mean fucking, because we haven't had sex yet if that's what you..."

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum