Chapter 99

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Chapter 99 Extinguisher

Noah's POV

"Noah, hi! I didn't...Well...We didn't expect you to be here. What a nice surprise. look...great. How are you?"

I nodded but Leigh was reminding me of her. I wanted to shut down and not speak a single word, to run away from this house where all of the memories were more vivid than ever. The last time I'd set foot in the house was when I revealed Lex's secret. She'd pushed me against a wall and was yelling at me. I watched her faint and I was too cowardly to even visit her in the hospital. I thought it was the right thing, and it was, but doesn't always seem that way. Sometimes I'm just so mad at myself for allowing everything to go down like it did.

"I'm...I'm doing pretty w...well." I nodded.

I didn't believe a word and I could only hope in that moment that she didn't sense this. Ray stood behind her. The two of them looked the same. They were still perfect and happy. It seemed as if they hadn't been through tough times at all. Everything appeared to have been fixed. The Landon family seemed to be fine again but I was the one miserable, withstanding pain I didn't realize I could take. I knew I made the right decision to let her go when I did. She wouldn't have gotten the help she deserved if I hadn't, but now I just missed her. I missed everything about her, well except for the bad things that we'd once dealt with.

"That's really good, Noah. How is school? Are you enjoying Seattle? How is your friend, Luke?"

I nodded, relieved to have some questions I could answer without bursting into tears, without getting so anxious that I felt as if my head could explode. I glanced at my mom who was sitting in Ray's recliner, rocking Lola to sleep.

"Luke is doing really well and we really like Seattle. It's really a great place. like the school and the campus. Everyone is really nice and friendly. I'm happy there." I lied, nodding in an attempt to legitimize my words.

Leigh smiled widely and although she seemed to take my words without any question, part of me knew that she could tell I was one big, fat liar. I returned the smile, rubbing my hands together. I couldn't seem to calm my nerves, anxiety clawing away at me as I stood in a home so full of memories. At one point, I'd practically lived there. When my dad was going through his divorce, I was angry and Lex had been my escape...this home had been my escape.

"We should eat. I'll just go get the food." Leigh smiled and I stepped forward immediately, needing something to distract my mind.

"I'll help." I insisted and I followed her further into the kitchen.

I watched as she bustled around, just like she always did. She retrieved the dinner plates and silverware, stacking them on top of some folded napkins. I stood there with my hands stuffed inside my pockets. I had tried not to look around the house too much but as soon as my eyes went wandering, I found something that hit me where it hurt most. I had been genuinely surprised that I didn't end up on my knees.

I hobbled forward, my eyes glued to a Christmas card held by a refrigerator magnet. I wrapped my hand around the fridge door handle, using it to stabilize my body. My knees grew weak at the sight, the picture so hard to look at. Despite this, I couldn't seem to take my eyes off it.

I first noticed Lex. The picture was taken outside and it looked as if it was a quick snapshot, one that wasn't posed and looked sincere compared to the posed pictures for formal occasions. She looked different. Her hair was long and dyed a darker brown. I smiled as I noticed Aero crouched down in front of her, small hand disappearing into his fur. The rest of the picture was what killed me, made me feel like I couldn't breathe, like putting air into my lungs was a task too impossible for me.

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now