Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 Extinguisher

Alexa's POV

It was Halloween night and more than anything, Cole and I needed to get out. We had a night planned, full of fun and distraction from everything and everyone. I'd barely come out of my room after the fight with Ben at dinner two nights ago. I was so angry with him for not seeing that I care about Cole and just want to help him...that we all just want to help him. Ben had called me about twenty times, but I'd ignored every one of them deleting the voicemails without listening to them. He was my brother, but Sawyer was right; he had acted like a bully.

"Alex, are you almost ready?" Cole asked, coming out of the bathroom, his hair damp from his shower.

I was seated at my desk, smiling as Cole leaned over, placing a kiss on my forehead, the smell of his manly cologne wafting my senses and calming me. I grabbed his hand, letting him pull me up onto my feet.

"You look so beautiful." He complimented, smiling down at me as he ran a hand through my straightened hair.

"You look very handsome."

He chuckled a bit, pulling me into his chest. He looked amazing, dressed in his navy blue, long sleeved sweater. It was always so warm when I wore it, and Cole looked extremely cuddly adorned in it. His legs were clad in dark wash jeans, brown boots covering his feet. I just wanted to lie in bed and snuggle with him, drowning in his musky scent.

"Why, thank you baby." He winked and I shook my head, smiling big at his goofy mood, hoping he would keep it for the remainder of the night.

"I'm ready to go have some fun. Haunted houses and then a fair, sounds like the best night we've had in a while, huh?"

"Yes, baby girl, it does." He agreed.

My heart raced at his words, falling just a bit harder because this night was all his idea and he was doing it for us.

"If I'm honest though...I just wanted to do the haunted houses so you'd get scared and snuggle into my chest." He admitted, smiling like a fool as his eyes scanned my body.

I was wearing a black sweater, red skinny jeans, and my Converses, not bothering to dress up because I wanted to be comfortable considering I was about to get scared to death.

"God, you're so very pretty."

"Okay...Stop making me blush." I chuckled looking into his eyes as his lips found mine, holding my face in his hands as I responded, both of us swallowing each other's moans.

Before we ended up on the bed, I pulled away knowing we were getting carried away.

"I know...I know. We need to leave. It's just so hard to stop every time I see you. I always want you and I always want to feel your skin against mine, and to tell you how much I love you...How much you mean to me. I love you."

"I love you, Cole, always." I whispered, kissing his lips once again before we grabbed our coats and finally left my room.


"Oh my god!" I screamed as I tugged on Cole's jacket, pulling him as close as I could as he chuckled deeply in my ear.

"Shh...I've got you." He nodded, wrapping an arm around me as we entered into what looked like a tunnel or something.

There were tons of bodies behind us, pushing and shoving us in hopes to get through the tunnel as fast as they could, but when we reached the middle everyone stopped and I heard shrill screams coming from the front of the group before a chainsaw started up, practically making my ears ring every time the sound died down. I buried my face in Cole's chest but he quickly lifted my chin, a smug smile lighting up his features.

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now