Chapter 72

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Chapter 72 Extinguisher

Noah's POV

"What the hell was that about, Luke?"

"What? She's hot and I asked her if she wanted to hang out with us. Big deal. Get over it."

"You know you can't date her, right?"

"Why not?" he asked, rolling his eyes as we walked further into the arcade.

"Well...bros before hoes. You started that."

He rolled his eyes, looking so dang fed up with me, so sick of my shit but I didn't care. No way was I letting Luke date Meg Whitman. I just couldn't have that happening. I think I would vomit if I saw the two of them kiss. I think I would literally get sick.

"Don't even bring up bros before hoes. Like you've really stuck with that...C'mon Noah, you know I'm the only one who actually puts you before girls. You sure as hell don't put me before Lex."

"That's not even fair and you know it."

"Whatever, asshole."

"No...seriously. I don't put my own family before Lex simply because I can't. She needs me more than anyone else, okay? I can't just dump her because I'm a senior and you want me to have fun. I don't think you realize how much I love this girl, Luke. You don't get it and someday...somebody is going to come around and you're going to fall so hard for them. You won't be able to stop it and then you're going to see how it feels."

"Would you just stop? You're about to turn eighteen and Lex just turned nineteen! You don't fucking know what's going to happen in a two years." He tried to tell me but I shook my head, looking away from him as my hands clenched into fists.

"You don't understand, Luke. I love her!"

"I know you love her but it takes more than love to make a relationship work, man! You're being so delusional and you have turned into this irrational guy who won't listen to anybody. Maybe...Maybe if Lex is the one you two will find your way back to each other.'s not right for the two of you to be together in this moment."

"No." I shook my head, dismissing what he had to say.

"Let me just ask you a question, Noah. If you knew...If you really knew that Lex would be better off without you, would you let her go?"

"No." I said immediately.

"I can't." I added, taking a deep breath as Luke and I found a table to sit at.

"That's how I know." he nodded.

"Know what?" I asked, feeling my brows pull together as I looked into his brown eyes.

Sure, he was my best friend but I was contemplating hitting him. I didn't want to hear anything he was saying. I didn't want to even talk about Lex not being with me, but he was relentless.

"That's how I know what the two of you have isn't right. Noah, you're too young to be talking this way. We're still kids. We haven't even graduated yet you're taking care of a girl you know can't be fixed with love. Noah, I care about you or else I wouldn't say this. What the hell are you doing? You know that Lex has something wrong with her. It's serious and it's nothing to mess around with. You know that you loving her isn't going to heal her."

"She's fine!" I slammed my fist down onto the table.

"No...she's not. When's the last time she's cut?"

"Don't you dare fucking ask me that, Luke." I hissed.

My chest was heaving up and down as my eyes scanned the arcade. My head was spinning and I felt like my thoughts were piling on one another, spiraling out of control. I didn't want to believe anything Luke was saying and I especially didn't want to break down...not here.

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now