Chapter 91

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Chapter 91 Extinguisher

Alexa's POV

I woke up in the hospital and everything had changed. Noah was nowhere and I was surrounded by the people I always strived to protect from this very thing happening. My mom's hands were intertwined with my dad's. A dark headed man sat beside them, paperwork being passed between my mother and the man. Ben and Sawyer stood against the wall and Aaron paced back and forth between my parents and my brothers. There was an IV in my arm, pumping something through my veins and I couldn't feel a thing. It's like I was numb all over. The dull ache in my heart was gone. Everything...was gone.

"Mom, she's awake."

My parent's eyes met mine and the pain found its way back into my body. I couldn't believe I was going through this. It felt like a dream, some sick dream I was trapped in. My father had never looked at me in the way he was and my mother just sat there, hands shaking by her sides. It was terrible, terrible to watch and terrible to experience. I didn't want to be in the position that I was in and I didn't want to be going through it. Without Noah I felt alone, but I wasn't. I was surrounded by people who loved me and even though I knew deep down I was lucky, at the time, I wanted to have it any other way. I didn't want to see my mother crying, my dad in complete and utter shock. I didn't want to see Ben standing against a wall, arms crossed over his broad chest as he tried to fight tears. I didn't want to see Sawyer avoiding my eyes, looking everywhere but me. I didn't want to see Aaron, frantically running his hands through his dark blonde curls. Everything about the situation was never something I wanted to live. Most of all, I didn't want to wake up being met with the reality that I ruined everything with Noah. I was angry with him, livid because of what he did but I never thought it would just be over. I guess I did think that. Maybe I knew this was coming but I never wanted to admit it.

"Ben, Saw, and Aaron, please leave the room." My mom sniffled and my body stiffened, terrified to talk to my parents.

I want nothing to do with this.

"But mom..." Ben started and my father stood up.

"Now, Ben. Go...all of you." my dad ordered and my skin crawled with nerves.

I was scared of what would come. I was so terrified of what the man beside my parents was doing and why there were signatures being signed, initials being scribbled against pieces of paper being passed and forth between my parents.

"What is going on?" I croaked, my voice sore and almost gravely.

"Lex, honey, we need to talk. We need to...I...Honey, I'm so sorry. I wasn't there. I didn't...I didn't even know. I'm your mother and I didn't know. How could I not know? I'm so sorry. We knew you...struggled but not like this. I'm so sorry, Lex."

The tears came as if out of instinct. I couldn't stop them and they rolled down my burning cheeks. I couldn't stand them feeling like it was their fault. I knew that I was living with my own consequences, but I didn't want this great penalty living with them.

"I-It's not your fault." My body shook and I laid my head back on the hard pillow. Nothing about the hospital room was comfortable or inviting. It was cold and as dull as the ache residing in my heart.

"You're not going home with us, Lex."


"You're going to a clinic. This is Dr. Reed. He used to be my doctor and we're filling out the paperwork for you to be emitted. You're not going home. You're going to get help."

"No...please don't." I whispered.

"You're going, Lex." my father said sternly, standing up to place his hands on his hips.

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Where stories live. Discover now