Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Extinguisher

Noah's POV

I woke up beside Lex for the third morning in a row. For the past three nights I had come to her window, instead of her having to come to me. I just felt better about her being able to sleep in her own bed and I liked it too. Her scent flooded my senses, the smell of her fabric softener on her sheets so calming and familiar, helping me sleep.

I looked over to find Lex wide awake, watching me arouse from my slumber.

Please, love me.

"I don't want to go to school, just lie here all day."

"I'd love that too." I agreed, pulling her a little closer, feeling the heat from her body like my own little personal heater.

I pressed myself all the way against her, wrapping my long leg around hers. I chuckled as she laid her heavy, cast covered arm across my hip. It was always getting in the way but I knew her cuts would all be healed. It's so much easier to look at her and not want to cry from seeing new cuts littered across her skin. It's so much easier to see them healing. Even though she hasn't done it in a while, I always finding myself inspecting her body every single day. When I please her, I kiss my healing scars on her inner thighs and throughout the day, I'm always kissing her wrist, telling her how much I love her, always telling her.

I've never been one to admit my feelings. A lot of them I always try to hold in. I try to not discuss my feelings because that's just the way I am, but with Lex, I have to. I always have to because I know that she'll fall back down if I don't. I want her to know that I love her and I want her to realize just how much. That can only happen if I tell her every day, assure her that what we have valuable.

I know that she's scared of what we have. I know that she's terrified to love me. I just hope that she does. I hope that one day; she'll at least be able to tell me that she does.

"Lex, I should probably go. Your mom will probably be up soon. I don't want you to get in trouble."

"The door is locked. Stay for a little longer, please?"

"Okay." I nodded, closing my eyes and trying to drift off, it being easy with my girl wrapped in my arms.

That is, if she's even mine at all.

Alexa's POV

I walked into my AP English class, eyes cast down, hoping I wouldn't run into anything and would make it to my seat without toppling over. I wanted the class to fly by and I wanted to go unnoticed for once, hoping and praying that no one would utter a single word to me, but would act as if I didn't exist.

Unfortunately, as I've said many times, life isn't so fair and we hardly ever get dealt the hand we're hoping for. When my eyes finally lifted from the ground, I was met with a sight that made my heart race, my pulse pounding in my temples as I nearly dropped my bag onto the tile floor. Cole was planted in my seat, tears welled in his eyes and ripping me apart. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him, but Noah is my plan now. He's...I can't hurt him.

I don't necessarily miss being with Cole, although I do think he's more suited to the kind of person I am. We mesh well. We get on good because we're the same. Noah...well I know he's too good for me. I've known it for a long time. I just hope that I can somehow be what he deserves, but somehow, I always doubt I can.

I let my bag slip off my shoulder and hit the floor before I made my way to my desk, crouching down beside Cole, reaching up to wipe his tears away from his tanned cheeks. I couldn't stand to see him cry. Somehow, it felt like it was my fault but I hadn't the slightest clue what he was upset about.

Extinguisher (A Sequel to Firefighter)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang