"Is it bad enough that you feel the need to go to the hospital?" Clara asks, re-entering the room.

"And you better not say I don't know." Clara adds.

"It's bearable, I'm just being a little wussy pussy right now." Lauren says.

Clara rolls her eyes at Lauren's phrasing.

"Well where's the slip with the info for Dr.Kelly?" Clara questions Lauren.

"On the board in the kitchen." Lauren says pointing in the direction.

"Okay I'm gonna give her a call to see if you can go in early tomorrow." Clara says as she leaves the room.

"What if this is it?" Lauren says to Camila.

"Maybe it is." Camila says back rubbing Lauren's hand being held in hers.

"I'm not prepared for all of this." She says in a panicked tone.

"Sure you are , we've got everything set up and -." Camila says but is cut off by Lauren.

"Emotionally I'm not, I'm still a kid at heart even though I have an old soul." Lauren says.

"Okay , I got you in." Clara says as she comes back.

Lauren nods but is clearly still feeling a discomfort.

"My poor baby." Clara says with a pouty look as she kisses Lauren's forehead and says goodnight to both Camila and Lauren.

"Aghh, I really don't know what else I can do for you I hate to go to sleep knowing that you're like this." Clara says.

"It's okay you've helped enough." Lauren says nicely

"Don't hesitate to wake me if you progress more okay?" Clara says, as Lauren gives a thumbs up.

Clara enters the family room the next morning to find Camila and Lauren sitting on the couch fully dressed with Lauren laying across Camila's lap.

"I didn't sleep last night." Lauren mutters to her mother before she was even able to say anything.

"Too much pain?" Clara inquires.

"It subsided a bit but, yeah." Lauren says.

"Well I guess we should head out now." Clara says as she heads out the door first followed by Camila aiding Lauren into the car.

"Would you be more comfortable in the back seat?" Camila asks.

Lauren nods and climbs into the back as Camila sits in the front.

The car ride is silent except for a few whines of "ow" or hissing from Lauren.

Once they arrive they get out, this time Clara helps Lauren out.

"Jauregui?" The receptionist asks as soon as they step in.

"Yes that's her." Clara says.

"Ah yes you're the one who I spoke to last night, you can head in , Dr. Kelly is waiting." The receptionist says.

The three women walk down the hall with Lauren leaning on her mother for support.

I'm A Mess ~ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now