Happy Birthday

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"Please just let me go" she whimpered terrified. Her father had gullibly invited this man in they'd been eating dinner and this man appeared needing a phone.

"Hey hey don't cry. I have a surprise for you" he said running his bloody nails along her chin she shivered.

Jennifer could only remember screaming before she blacked out then woke on the bathroom floor.

"Stand up" he ordered not dropping his wicked demonic persona.

"I can't. My legs" she pleaded he chuckled. "Stand up" he shouted grabbing her by the collar forcing her to stand on her broken legs she immediately fell back down with a thud crying.

"Pity pity" he mused then dunking her head into the bath of blood. He laughed as she struggled screaming under the water the red liquid smothering her into darkness.

"What does the Lord say now?" the man yelled over her splashing blood spattering everywhere hitting the walls like paint.

Her body soon weakened when he yanked her coughing body out of the water she began choking on the blood. Taking her by the hair she screeched trying to fight back her bare feet slid through a puddle of warm blood.

"Up you pop" he sang forcing her to walk she grunted forcing her along her bones crackling as they entered the lounge his dark brown eyes piercing like a devil.

"Ashes Ashes. They all fell down" he breathed happily, dirty breath hitting her face. Her voice croaked as she turned seeing the charade behind her.  

The little dog sprung across the piano his body ripped open and blood dripping from the piano keys, his little body slaughtered and was wearing her fathers glasses she roared horrified, the man held her throwing his head back with enjoyment.

"You monster. Help someone help!" the girl screamed. "You've no idea how much that means to me. It makes me feel special and good" he replied dragging her towards the dining table where her mother was sitting still, her back to them.

"Mama!" she weeped latching out to her shoulder, a petrified scream escaped her lips the mother's head toppled over and fell from the top of her body blood staining the carpet and walls.

Her swollen eyeballs and teeth falling out her mouth hanging open as if the last thing she did was scream.

"She was a tasty thing" the man mused in her ear. "Oh papa" he sang yanking her into the kitchen. The pot was still boiling "Let's put the pieces back together, shall we it's like being a doctor" he exclamined

She couldn't feel her thin legs, standing over the boiling pot without even hesitation he dunked her hand in it scolding her in the steaming pot.

"There you go" he seethed her fingers turning a plump red the skin blistering like a crakling fire she threw her head back screaming.

"Find the treasure" he called over her cries she felt something large in the pot swallowing enough courage to pick it up. Her eyes almost fell from her head holding her fathers hand. Blood began to dribble down hitting her cheeks.

Horrified she looked up seeing pieces of her father hanging from the ceiling his head and arms dangling like puppetry.

"Pop goes the weasel" the man sang that is when they heard the front door slam shut.

Aria Salvatore x Klaus MikaelsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora