Camila takes the bag out of Lauren's grasp as they head out the Jauregui's house.

"Wait , let me at least write a note to my mom since we're not speaking." Lauren says in a disgusted tone.

Lauren rips the note off the notepad and sticks it to the refrigerator as she continues to head out the door.

The girls load their luggage a into the trunk , then they take their seats in the limo.

"This is my cousin Riccardo." Camila announces to everyone. "He owns the limo company around here, he's gonna get us to the airport safely and the same thing when we come back." She tells them.

"Oh no we're flying?" Lauren asks sounding slightly nervous.

"Is there a problem with that?" Camila asks.

"No it's just that these past two times have been so rough on me." Lauren says softly.

"You'll be okay , just burry your head in me so you won't have the visual of flying." Camila suggests to her girlfriend in attempt to calm her.

"Thanks." Lauren says back.

"This is so awesome, all of us taking a vacay without it being work!" Dinah says excitedly to all of them.

"Yeah, I think the last time we did this was ... Never!" Ally says as they all bust out into laughter.

Riccardo gets off at the exit that reads Miami International Airport.
He makes his way around the curve of the drop off area and let's the girls off, he gets out and assists them with their luggage.
"Thanks!" Camila says as she hugs him and slips a couple dollars to him. The others thank him as well.

"I arranged something for us so we don't have to run into any fans." Camila says as she waves the girls over to a door with a tough looking security guard guarding it.

"Wow babe You really went all out on this." Lauren says giving props to her girlfriend.

"Aww she called you babe." Dinah says causing Camila to turn red in the face.

They walk through a long tunnel , in that tunnel they are completely isolated from the public airport. When they reach the other end they have a secret security check and everything.

As they're finish going through security, Camila turns to Lauren, "okay now on the other side of this door it will reveal where we're going." She tells her as Lauren bites her lip and nods.

Camila walks up to the door first as the others follow behind her.
"Surprise!" Camila says as she opens the door revealing the arch on the other side of the room that says Have Fun in Paradise Island.

"You're taking me to the Bahamas!?" Lauren asks not believing that Camila is doing this for her.

Camila nods happily.

"Yeah, you've been really stressed out since we've been on break and all and I saw how much you enjoyed being at Miami beach with me so..." Camila says to her.

Lauren quickly hugs her. "I'm speechless!" She starts off with.

"How will I ever beat this?" Lauren says in a rhetorical way.
"You won't ." Camila says jokingly.

"Savage." Dinah says causing them to laugh.

"You all can board the plane now." An attendant tells them as Camila pulls the five tickets out of her bag and hands them to her.

"A private plane too?!" Dinah asks "Damn Mila you must really love her." She tells her.
Camila smiles.

They board the plane and prepare for take-off.
Lauren leans on Camila like she told her to do.

I'm A Mess ~ CamrenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora