He frowned questioningly before he tilted his head to the side and pursed his lips as he widened his eyes which made him ace the apologetic slash puppy face.

She smiled before biting her lip, finally she walked towards him and when she reached him, she simply sat down on the pavement next to him. He kept watching her, his eyes serious before he smiled and turned the headset that was at Jasmine’s side 180 degrees that she would press her ear to it and listen along.

Jasmine silently did as he was hinting and she wrapped her arm around his waist to rest in his arms.

The silence apart from the street’s noise and the music coming from the headsets was very much saddening.

Martin knew he’d have to leave soon and he no longer wanted to, while Jasmine was trying to stop herself from falling into his hole and she kept failing.

It was terribly, terribly saddening.

Time passed, cars honked, people stared at them, a guy even asked them to take a picture, and still they stayed seated together.

“Jasmine?” a male’s voice interrupted their time together and Jasmine turned her head to look at Bobby who was watching her curiously and his eyes kept darting to Martin who looked at him once before looking forward again.

“Hey Bobby” she spoke before her lips quivered slightly at how her voice was so low and weak.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, his hands moving with his words.

She smiled,” I’m sitting with Martin”

He nodded and his eyes darted to where Martin was sitting again and then he raised his eyebrow at her, she understood his question without words but she didn’t want to speak so she just rolled her eyes and then returned to her past position.

When Bobby was seen taking a cab and being driven away, Martin stood up and left the headset around his neck before he reached for her hand, she held onto it as he pulled her up towards him, his lips found hers as soon as she was standing on her feet but it was too quick, too haste, she wanted to show him how she loved him.

“Let’s go home” he said quietly and waited for her to grab her books from the pavement and they walked together to her place.

She went to her room and changed, when she returned to where he was supposedly staying, she didn’t see any clothes on the floor, she didn’t see his bag, and she didn’t see him.

Her breathing stopped and she clenched her fists

Oh god, oh god, help me, god help me, god help me

She prayed as she fought the tears from falling on her face but suddenly a sob shook her body and with that sound, Martin popped his head out of the kitchen’s door.

She turned her head to look at him, she blinked a couple of times, and her lips quivering as she pinched herself.

Martin frowned and approached her slowly,

“Jasmine, Darling, what’s—“ he asked softly but he stopped talking when Jasmine launched herself at him, her arms wrapped around him with all fours like an octopus, her sobs clenched her body and he felt her nails digging through the shirt he had on and into his back

Her heart was against his and he could feel how her beatings were much faster than his own. His throat went dry and raspy as he tried wrapping his head around what happened.

He kept wondering till finally his ears heard her thoughts come to life as whispers to her self

“Thank god, he’s here. Thank god, he didn’t leave. Thank god, he’s here”

His eyes closed as he heard her sobs.

“I’m here” he stated rubbing her back; she nodded and sobbed harder, changing them into weeps.

“I’m always here” he completed, she nodded again before she withdrew her head to look at him with her bloodshot eyes and shaking lip, she cupped his face and lowered it to mould his lips with hers. When she broke away, she looked into his eyes and said,

“I don’t want you to leave”

A pained expression flashed through his eyes before he asked,” then what do you want?”

She searched his eyes for something before letting him go and shaking her head then running into her room, slamming the door behind her.

He stood silently watching the closed door and then he turned around to walk out of the apartment. When he was standing outside in the hallway, his knees weakened as his spirit and he let his back hit the wall to drop slowly till his feet were stuck to his chest as he sat on the ground.

His jaws clenched hard, he wished the fight within him would evaporate through the power of the clenching of his jaws.

He clenched and unclenched

Clenched and unclenched

Clenched and unclenched

Clenched and – oh god

He hid his face before he took a huge shaky breath; his eyes closed tightly causing his pain to fall from his eyes and he quietly cried.

As their personalities changed, their hearts bonded and their fears grew, time passed and Martin surprised himself when nine weeks passed with him still in her home. Jasmine seemed to always expect the worse when he’s not in front of her and he would find her curled on her bed, or on his couch or on the floor sobbing.

It would end up with him promising her he won’t leave and then she would search his eyes before walking into a secluded place and shutting him out. He would end up in the hallway, his face hidden as his arms hug his legs to his chest.

He was a little addicted to waiting for her in front of her college and they would sit together silently listening to his music with Jasmine’s arm around his waist and her head on his shoulder as her ear is pressed against his headset.

Martin had visited Jasmine’s family more than once in the past two months and he was now positive to say that they managed to win a special place in his heart especially little Ian.

He had shared plenty of conversations with Zachariah, who turned out to be a filthy rich humble guy who was head over heels with his lovely wife whom he met at high school.

Elizabeth, their little girl, had went to him to ask him about things related to bullying and best friends and liking guys and he discovered her feelings for Sam whom he thinks is a friend to the family.

Jasmine’s grades had been satisfying and she truly had been proving herself in the past weeks. Ella was holding a challenging case related to a guy who, according to what Martin understood, was her first boyfriend and he managed to commit pretty disgusting twisted stuff.

He appraised her for her forgiveness.

Yet, even though everything was going on better than good, his mind wouldn’t ever forget the thing he must do, leaving.

There had been a couple of happenings that made his blood run cold.

One day Jasmine called him at night when she was supposed to be hanging out with France and Bobby, she was scared and she described two men who were tattooed and muscled. They were following her and then stopped when she got in the cab. He ordered her to stay where she was and he had to go to a shop he hadn’t been in for a long time to get a gun to protect her just in case and he went to get her. At another day, he was buying things from the supermarket just to find the cashier refusing to take the money before he told Martino,’ they said they’ll find you’

He remembers how he ran to where Jasmine was waiting and they returned home with her asking him questions and him evading them.

His heart would stop beating and his blood would turn ice when he senses that she’s in danger.

At first, he had to leave.

Now, even though he loved her, it changed to ‘he must leave’

But he must make her his, first.

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