He went inside the bathroom and collected his vital items before his eyes froze on the writing on the white tiles.

It read: we found you again, Martino. You owe us something and we’ll get it back.

Martin gulped down the chunk of saliva and cursed. His fears were just proved to be right.

He got out his cell and took a picture of what was written, and then noticed that a rouge was on the ground, it was purple, the same color of the words on the wall. He knelt down and took it, sniffed it and then stared at it for a second before putting it in his pocket.

The next couple of minutes passed with Martin staying frozen staring at himself in the mirror, thinking what the hell he was going to do, now that they had found him… again.


Ella paced around the room and then settled on the chair, she was still at the firm trying to reach some sort of agreement with Noah, she haven’t stopped talking to him since what happened nearly twenty years ago, but what he was asking from her was too big.

She flung herself on the couch that was situated in the corner of the room and she sulked in her own misery. Her thoughts immediately brought Zachariah to life and a smile tugged on her lips.

She was scared what she would have to do to Noah would either make her lose the love of her life or her best friend. It was like she was seventeen all over again.

She sighed and closed her eyes shut sensing the tears forming and falling down her cheek.

She was getting far too sensitive over this, she must be professional, and a lawyer can’t be biased to the client, but should be biased to the case. And there was a thin line between the two and Ella was ignorantly passing it with a heart of a lion.

She heard the door of her office open then close, she thought about looking but thought against it. She felt like she needed to be in another world now.

She needed to decide what to do with Noah.

“Chika” Zachariah’s voice whispered beside her ear and she thought she was imagining it; she smiled softly and scooted a little. But when Zachariah’s hands lifted to wipe her tears, her eyes opened shocked and surprised that he was indeed kneeling before her, flesh and blood.

“Why are you crying?” he whispered with a pained expression drawn on his face, she stared at him for a second before pouting slightly not being able to control the quivering of her lips and a sob erupted from deep inside her. Zachariah’s helpless frown made her heart clench even more

He made her truly happy, something millions of women wish for every day, and he always surprised her but with the whole Noah thing, she just didn’t know…

Zack had already licked his old wounds and she believed he wasn’t ready to reopen and lick them all over again.

“It’s nothing, just stressed” she mumbled and grinned cheekily. He kept watching her warily

“you know after almost twenty years of marriage, your lies don’t fool me, Ella” he said softly, her lips quivered again and she said,” I’m afraid I’ll lose you”

He raised his eyebrow and watched her intently; she knew he was having thoughts. Thoughts that weren’t good and she didn’t blame him, her choice of words were like some sort of introduction to the lame clichéd ‘I cheated on you but I’m sorry’ type of scene, which was the furthest possible impression she wanted to leave.

“Noah asked me to represent him in court, he asked me to help him get out with a parole order and he said that if I succeeded he will need my help to settle in again, he’ll need to stay at our place for a while or maybe… I don’t know—“at this point, Zack’s face was blank, unreadable, she couldn’t know what he was thinking. At rare occasions, he shut her out of his system and she hated it, it made her feel like an alien.

She thought he could flirtDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora