The next morning Camila is still asleep while Lauren sneaks into the kitchen and sits in the darkness at the table, in her jet black robe, no make up and all with distressed hair.

About an hour later , Clara steps into the kitchen not even noticing Lauren siting on the other side of the room. Lauren continues to sit there and stare at her mother.
"Oh my goodness! I didn't see you there." Clara says as she tries to catch her breath after she got startled by seeing her daughter siting there at that time of the morning.

"Why didn't you say something?" Clara says as she continues to fix her cup of coffee.
"Why are you sitting here alone in the dark? I thought you and Camila would still be up working on whatever you had to work on." She continues.

"I'm having a baby." Lauren says with glassy eyes and a soft raspy voice.

"Huh? I haven't had my coffee yet, you know how I get." Clara says urging her to repeat herself.

"I'm having a baby." Lauren tells her.

"What are you talking about?" Clara asked in a confused matter.
"Is this - wait what?" Clara says still confused by her daughters words.
"Mom, I'm pregnant." Lauren clarifies once again.

"Is this a joke? Is this your way of trying to get out of touring to get a break? " Clara says in a frustrated tone.

"No ! Mom I'm telling the truth, like I'm really pregnant." Lauren clarifies once more as a tear rolls down her face.

"Who told you that you're pregnant anyway?" Clara asks.

"A doctor..." Lauren says in a monotone .

"So you snuck off in the middle of your tour because you suspected it?" Clara asks , as Lauren nods in agreement with .

"How many weeks ago was this?" Clara asks

"I don't know , probably like a month and a half ago." Lauren tells her.

"Good morning Jauregui's " Camila says in a bright tone as she enters the kitchen and takes a seat.

"What's happening here?" Camila asks as she noticed the mood seems kinda low.

"Did you know about this?" Clara asks Camila assuming she knows what they're talking about.

Before Camila can answer , Lauren interrupts and says , "she knows."

"She knows!?!" Clara says in an angry tone.

Camila takes a seat at the other end of the table not saying a word.

"What are you gonna do about your career? Did you not think about that when you had sex?" Clara asks in an angry tone.

Lauren puts her head on her knees and cries even harder. "Mom! Is my career the only thing you're worried about? What about my well being?" Lauren questions through her sobbing.

"Lauren! You can't be pregnant at 19, your life has just begun!" Clara tells her.
Clara pauses for a moment to get her thoughts straight.
"I don't want this just as much as you don't." Lauren tells her.
"Well... There are multiple options." Clara suggests to Lauren.
"I've already decided that I don't want an abortion , it just wouldn't feel right even though I don't want this baby." Lauren tells her.

"Mom I'm really sorry." Lauren says with her face all red and full of tears.
"What you're sorry you had sex?" Clara asks in a rhetorical way.
"I didn't mean for this to happen ... It kinda just rolled out on its own." Lauren says trying to explain herself.
"Also I didn't even know you had a boyfriend." Clara says.
"I...don't." Lauren says slowly.
"Can I interrupt for a second?" Camila asks shyly.

They both nod their heads.
"Uh Lauren just calmly explain it to her the same way you told me." Camila says with a half smile.
Lauren rubs her face and takes Camila's advice.

Lauren starts from the very beginning , Camila helps herself and makes a cup of coffee and sits back down with them.

As Lauren finishes telling the story she asks for one thing , "Can you please just not tell dad, just not right away?"

Clara doesn't really want to agree but just goes along with it.
" Lauren, this is a serious thing, you can press charges against this guy what he did to you counts as rape." Clara tells her daughter.

"Wait I can?" Lauren asks.
"Yes of course you can!" Clara tells her leaving Lauren to think.

Lauren extends her legs from the fetal position she had been sitting in for the past few minutes that they had been in there; Causing her robe to slip open a bit giving a peek at her bump.

"Woah h-how far along are you?" Clara asks after seeing her bump and realizing she didn't even ask her.

"Uhhhhh I think at this point about 18 maybe 19 weeks." Lauren tells her.

"What are you gonna do about touring? You go back in about 2 days." Clara questions.

"I'm perfectly fine, why wouldn't I be able to still keep up with the schedule?" Lauren questions her mother.

"Oh boy, you just wait until you get back out there, you're gonna be calling me on the first day complaining about how exhausted you are." Clara tells her.

"Yeah right." Lauren says, as she gets up from her seat.

Clara pulls Lauren into a hug and starts crying, "I just wanna say I love you so much, initially I was mad- it was a shock, but it's okay you will get through this all of us are here for you and I assume you can count on the girls to be there for you too." She tells her daughter as she places a hand on her protruding stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you." Clara whispers to the bump.

"I guess I should go grab a quick shower and meet back up with my family, before you know it we'll be back to work." Camila says as she exits the kitchen.
"Yeah you go do that." Lauren tells her giving her a thumbs up.

"Back to you, you're gonna have to tell your father sooner rather than later, and Chris it doesn't matter but Taylor should know ; you're her big sister she looks up to you." Clara says as she pats Lauren's shoulder giving her the signal to think.

Lauren heads back to her room to see if the shower is available yet, just as she's about to reach the corner , Camila pops out with her things and gives Lauren a hug and tells her she'll see her in a few days.

Lauren gets into the shower and starts thinking to herself. "How am I gonna explain this to my sister?"

"I'm supposed to set a good example for her, what have I done?" She thinks to herself as she rinses the shampoo out of her hair.

She turns off the water and steps out of the shower, she then walks over to the mirror and just looks at herself.

This was kinda a hard chapter to write that's why the ending sucks I didn't really know how to end it lol
Anyways I've been in school and stuff so I haven't had much time to update but hopefully I'll find time to :)
The next chapter has a jump in the days.

I'm A Mess ~ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now