"I'll go with you guys, I don't wanna be home alone." Camila says.

"Was it a rough flight or something?" Clara asks after noticing the disheveled look on her daughters face.

"No, I'm just a bit queasy." Lauren says to her mother still hiding her pregnancy.

"Is it the flu or did you eat something bad?" Clara asks in a concerned tone.
"I'm sure it's just a 24 hour bug, I'll be fine I just need to go lie down." Lauren says as they're getting into the SUV.
"My mom just texted that they're home so I guess you can just drop me off there." Camila tells Lauren's parents.

Mike nods and heads to Camila's house.

When they arrive at Camila's house , Camila's family embraces her super tight. Then they talk with the Jauregui's .
"Hey would you all mind coming over for dinner later once our daughters get settled?" Mike suggests.

"Yeah that'd be great." Sinu and Clara both say.

Camila goes inside to catch up with Sofi.

"Wow you've really gotten...older." Camila says to her sister who isn't so little anymore.
Sofi starts rambling to Camila about stuff at school and what she's done while she was away.

"I'll go start the car." Alejandro says as he walks out the door.

"Come on mija's we don't wanna be late." Sinu says as she yells up the stairs for Camila and Sofi.

The two girls walk out the door and hop into the car.

"Glad you all made it." Clara says as she opens the door welcoming the Cabello's into their household.

Camila's parents sit at the table as the Jauregui's finish preparing the meal.
Sofi occupies herself with Sinu's iPad , Camila invited herself upstairs to check on Lauren.

Camila notices Lauren's door is half open, she knocks on the wall, "May I enter your dungeon?" Camila asks.

Lauren turns around and laughs, "You're such a dork and yes you have granted access." Lauren says to her.
Camila walks in "You feeling better?" She asks in a concerned tone.

"Yeah-yeah I'm 100% better." Lauren says to Camila giving her a thumbs up.

"Should I tell them tonight, you know while your family is here , maybe they won't react as harshly?" Lauren asks Camila.

Camila sits beside the distressed girl, "I think that would be a great idea." Camila calmly tells her.

"Yeah, plus you've helped me a lot through these past few months, so it's only right." Lauren responds back to Camila.

The two girls walk to the staircase.
"Follow my lead, I'll feel them out." Lauren tells Camila as a precautionary before they sit at the table.
Camila nods.

"Look who finally decided to join us." Clara says as the two girls rush to take a seat after noticing the table was waiting for them.

"I'm sorry I know I was supposed to set the table." Lauren tells her mother.

"Don't worry about it sweetie, you needed to rest." Clara tells her daughter.

Camila and Lauren fix their plates, then the table holds hands in prayer.

"Wow this is nice, when was the last time we've all had dinner together with our complete families like this?" Mike says trying to break the silence.

The Jauregui's and Cabello's had dinners together frequently while their girls were out on the road.

"Probably 9 months ago." Lauren says as she slurps up a strand of spaghetti.

"So what's you guys schedule looking like since we're approaching the end of the year?" Clara asks both girls.

Camila and Lauren look at each other, and laugh.

"Honestly we don't know, I mean tomorrow we could be on a flight on our way to some event for all we know." Camila responds.

The table carries on with small talk for a while.

"You've been awfully quiet tonight." Mike says to Lauren.

"Are you feeling better from earlier?" Mike asks her quietly trying not to involve the rest of the table.

"Yeah..." Lauren says trailing off looking at the table.

Lauren taps Camila's arm telling her to come with her.
The two sneak off for a brief moment.
"I think I'm gonna tell them, but how?" Lauren asks Camila.

Sorry for the lack of updates, school started a week ago :/
Anyways I know you all love cliffhangers lol

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