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A/N: All those who doesn't know, this is my second boyxboy story. My first story was "Promises and False hope. You can read it here: Well, if you don't want to read my first story, then it's totally fine. This one has fewer parts which might confuse you, but else it is fresh and new. Well, apart from grammatical mistakes and spellings this book might take you to a new adventure.

WARNING: This book is about boyxboy dealing with the love between boys. If in case you had come here without reading the bio, which I hardly doubt and still want to continue reading... Keep in mind.. That.. You have been warned.. ;)

Ryan in the above Pic..!

Morning breeze.

That's what I feel when I run early in the morning on the dark street. As I run, this cold breezing air makes me shiver as it touches my warm cheeks. It feels like heaven when you heat up your body early morning. At first it feels too lazy to get out, but then when I run, the blood in my body circulates faster than the water pumped into my hostel roof tank and the same cold breeze provides relief to my heated body.

This is winter, I love it more than any other season's.

We wait for summer like to get rid of spring and when summer come's we don't need it because the only problem with summer is it's way too hot. So I just pray for the monsoon to come, but when the monsoon actually come's we just hate it because it's wet-n-wet everywhere.

Even thingkingwetmakes me shiver.

That's why I eagerly wait for winter. And when it comes I stop hating anything.

It's a season between the autumn and spring. It's like a new beginning of a new life, forgetting all the past behind.

And most of all, in the winter there is no hot sun going to burn your skin, no wet rain going to drain you, nothing. Even it has long nights, means you can sleep more.

If you are afraid of getting cold..?


There is always a solution.. Just wear extra clothes and that's it. Enjoy the coolness. Enjoy the mornings fresh breeze. Just like what I am doing right now.

"Ryan. Get your ass here right now. If coach Sir see's you doing nothing, he will kill both of us." So I was running right..? Then how I end up here resting..? Well, did I mention I love winter as it has long night..? Apparently my roommate doesn't let me sleep in peace.

He snores and damn he snores loud.

"I am just warming up baby." I told the curly head.

That's my friend plus tennis partner. The name is, Ziyan Khan. Make it short, Zi. He is always scared of the couch sir. Well, I am scared of that devil too, but not as much as he is. Coach hates the guts out of him. If you ask me, coach hates everyone and everyone hates him. Even his wife. Shuuu.. It's secret.

I hurriedly removed my hoodie, put it in my bag and went to the tennis court. As it is winter we need to warm up more than usual.

Wait, Have I introduced myself.? You guys must be thinking who I am and why I am babbling about my morning daily routine to you.

Well, I am Ryan The King. King because my name has a meaning which is so majestic.

Got me..? Majestic...King... ?


Anyways, I am 16 years old and right now in my sophomore year. You guys must have come to know what I am doing here so early, which is 6 in the morning considering I woke up at 5:30 A.M.

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