Scared For His Life (Sal x Reader)

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(A/N This is in celebration of the live punishment!! I'm so excited but really scared! My six year old brother told me he hopes Q dies! Don't worry my fellow Q lovers, his just saying that Q's my favorite. And I created a Impractical Jokers Instagram fan page. It's the.q.crew)

You watched Sal as he practiced walking across the tightrope. He took four steps until falling off the tightrope. You bit your lip as he fell. He laughed but you weren't that amused.

"He did pretty good." Joe said to you. You shrugged and sighed. He looked at you worried. "You're acting quite different. What's up?" He asked.

"Oh well you know, my boyfriend is walking on a tightrope across New York in four days and there's a possibility of him dying but hey, it'll make great TV." You said. It went silent.

"So you're okay?" Joe asked. You stared at him with the same unamused look you had before. "Sorry. Anyways there's nothing to worry about. We'll have harnesses on." He said.

"They could break you know that right?" You asked. He shrugged. Sal jogged up to you a bit sweaty. He kissed your cheek.

"Didn't I do great?" He asked smiling. You nod. He looks at you. "What's wrong?" He asks. You fake laugh.

"Gosh you sound like Joe." You say.

"She is scared for you." Joe say then runs off knowing you'll kill him.

"You're scared? You don't have to be scared. I'll be fine." Sal said. You shrugged.

"I know. I just can't help it." You say. He smiles.

"That's sweet. I'm glad you're worried about me but I'll be ok. I promise." He says. You nod.

*September 2nd*

You took deep breath. Sal is gonna do it tomorrow. You couldn't help but to beg him to not do it. He got slightly frustrated with you.

"I'm doing it (Y/N)! Either you can come and watch or stay home. I don't care what you do." He said. He left the house to go practice some more. You sigh annoyed and sit on the couch. You deiced to call your best friend to complain. Through out the conversation, you feel guilty and stupid. You decide to call Sal. He doesn't answer. You sigh and call Q.

"Hello?" he says.

"Hey can I talk to Sal?" You ask.

"Um isn't he with you?" He asked.

"Um no. He left to go practice." You told him.

"Well he isn't here." He said. You huffed.

"Where do you think he is?" You ask.

"I don't know he likes that coffee shop near your guys. Check there. I'll call him." He said.

"Ok thanks Q. Bye." You say. You walking out the door and locked the apartment door. You frown seeing Sal took your guys' car. You might as well walk there. You start walking and get a call.

"Hello?" You say.

"Hey. He didn't answer." Q told you. You sigh. "Ok. Ok. I will." You hear some rustling.

"Hey it's Murr. He didn't answer me either." Murr yelled. It sounded like speaker phone.

"Yeah same here." Joe said. You frown.

"Thanks guys. I'll call you if I find him. Go practice." You say.

"Bye!" They yell. You hang up your phone. You see the coffee shop. You walk in and see Sal with his head on a table and a coffee in his hand. You take the seat in front of him.

"There you are we were worried." You said.

"Oh course you were I can't do anything with you being worried." He said. You huffed.

"Don't be an ass." You say. He sits up to look at you. "I'm worried because you're walking a cross a tightrope with nothing but a harness. Cause I love you." You say. He smiled.

"You're right I am an ass. But you need to relax." He said. You sighed.

"You're right." You say. Your phone rings. You answer it


"Did you find him?" Q asked.

"Yes." You told him.

"Put it on speaker." Joe said.

"It's Q, Joe and Murr." You told Sal. You put it on speaker.

"If you ever disappear on (Y/N) ever again we will hunt you down and kick your ass then drag you back to her and apologize!" Joe yelled.

"Yeah Salvatore Vulcano, be a good boyfriend and be happy (Y/N) is worried!" Murr yelled.

"Now kiss and make up!" Q yelled. You both laugh and kiss.

"Good. Now come here both of you we were worried and we need to hug you both." Joe said.

"Ok bye." Sal said.

"Bye!" They said. You hang up. Sal grabs this cup and grabs your hand.

"I'm sorry and I love you too" He said and kisses your forehead.

(A/N Hey guys! I wanna do a crossover with the jokers but idk so help me! Leave request below!)

Jokers and You! (Impractical Jokers x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora