"Father. I'm pulling your tie what kind of girl do you take me for? Boys are repulsive." I asked as his arm went around me pulling me to him.

"You little devil and where did you learn that word?" he said shaking his head relieved.

"I'm intelligent." I answered sarcastically.

"And that my dear scares me you'll take over the world with that clever mind of yours." He replied with a grin.

"I am you're daughter, besides father you'll be there with me forever right" I chirped as I leaned into his chest.

"I'm getting old look at me I'm rusting like those sweets I found hidden in your bedroom" he stated and I chuckled.

"Father your not a day over twenty don't talk nonsense" I said and began to root in my bag as he continued to tease me.

"You know I've missed you, I've missed you a lot" he said kissing my head.

"And I you" I said smiling widely, I know fathers been majorly stressed by mother's illness we all have.

"At camp I was quite clever with my cards like Damon told me to be, want one?" I said as I pulled out a box of chocolates.

Fathers eyes widened and broke out in a smile looking at the great fortune before him.

"Aria dear is that what I think it is? Whitman's chocolate? How on earth did you manage to get your fingers on them?" He asked grinning about to take the box and I tapped his hand away.

"Now you know why I had the haircut" I said laughing opening the box he joined in my laughter.

"You sold your hair for chocolate?" He asked shaking his head but very amused. My hair now sits beneath my shoulders it used to go down to almost my hips.

"Demented I am." I said opening the box.

"Indeed you're like your brothers and myself" he said chuckling.

"Father we're very different are we not?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows I never see myself alike to father.

I have many of the same traits from my brothers but father we're opposites in everything but our humour, I appreciate we can laugh together and that he has different opinions.

"A lot more a like than you know, anyway I suppose you'd love to share them chocolates with your favourite person?" he said raising his eyebrows.

"Of course here, just don't tell a soul. I lost half my head for these" I said handing him the box.

"Our secret." He stated pinky promising me and I sat back leaning against him.

The chocolates were like heaven in a box, pure and complete happiness.

"How's mother? How's Damon and Stefan? How far are we from home?" I asked quickly and he chuckled.

"So many questions pet" he said pinching my cheek I groaned pushing his hand away.

"You're mother is still under the weather but she'll get better, she won't let anything take her out" he stated.

I wasn't completely sure of his tone how he said that it didn't seem like he was happy?

I didn't understand so I just nodded.

"Damon's still got his head in the clouds." father stated annoyed and I sighed as I rested my head on him.

"Father why are you always so mad at him? Damon's good, he's my hero you know" I said and father sighed.

"Aria keep this a secret yes?" He said and I nodded.

Aria Salvatore x Klaus MikaelsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora