Chapter 44: Unfinished Business pt. 3

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***Warning Kleenex chapter, so please have them ready for when you read this chapter and don't say I didn't warn you***

Graduation Day


Baby what you thinking about Jay said coming into the room. I am just looking at these pictures of Illori and Avari when they were little. Little bad butts I remember that day. They had paint all over their faces and the carpet. Let them tell it they were "just being creative mommy". Yeah I creatively whooped that butt too. Jay! Li! It cost 300 hundred dollars to get that paint out of the carpet and even still there was a purple hue on it.

Can you believe our little girls are about to graduate high school? I mean it seems like just yesterday we were taking them kindergarten and then middle school and high school. Li baby they grow up that's what they are supposed to do. I know Jay it's just I missed so much. You didn't miss anything Lisa I made damn sure of that. It wasn't the same, I wasn't there for them like I am the other kids and sometimes I feel like I failed them as a mother.

Lisa Nicole don't ever say that, you didn't fail them as a mother you did what any mother would do and that's provide for her children. But Jay I was crazy as hell wildin out, stepping out on my marriage, everything that a mother shouldn't do. I get it Li, I do and we all, you know we all had our problems but the one thing that you did and none of us could ever do is give your life for those girls. Lisa you damn near died that night for them and that day in Honduras, so yeah you fucked up a little bit, but you fought to stay here for your daughters to see this day. The day that they walk across that stage and get their diplomas and make you the proudest person in the room, because they came from you, not me or Ti or Ro, but you she said pointing to me. They are your greatest achievements, look at them. You got one going off to New York to become a chef and the other is going to be a Psychologist. Li you did a great job raising them. Thank you baby you always knowing what to say to get me back in step. You know you did a good job Li, the girls and I were just here to as back up.

Come on let's get ready we got about a hundred people to get to that auditorium on time and seated. Yeah we do, I said giving her a quick kiss. Naw Li a quick one ain't going to cut it. Come on Jay we got all them folks waiting on us we don't have time for this right now. When has that ever stop us before Lisa? 30 minutes that's it, I said looking at my watch. Okay we can work with that she said pulling me into the closet. No hickies Jay! That goes for you too Li!

Two hours later....

Aye listen here I yelled to all the family we have this whole section right here so take a seat and don't move cause if you lose your seat, I can't help you and you SOL. Babe, Ti said pulling me down. What I am serious I am not listening to that bull if they move. I got it Ti, Ro said whispering something in my ear. For real! For real she said winking at me. I am cool Ti I said sitting down. I didn't realize how many damn kids Lo and Vi had in their graduating class we've been sitting her for like two and a half hours but they are finally to the W's. They were the next ones to walk across the stage. I looked at them waving at me from the side of the stage. "Your greatest achievements" was all I could hear in my head as they called their names.

          "Avari Marielle Lopes Anderson-Watkins"

           "Illori Arielle Lopes Anderson-Watkins"

That's it my little girls are no longer little girls anymore, I watched them walk across the stage and get their diplomas and I felt the tears go down my face. All the years of worrying and praying and thinking will they be alright without Andre and how will they view me as their mom since I made so many mistakes came down to the 3 minutes it took them to walk across that stage. I felt Ro and Ti wiping the tears off my face. It's okay Bam they will always be your little girls. I laughed a little our little girls said taking their hands. I looked over and Jay was cheering with tears streaming down her face. I could tell she was so proud of them.  She caught my gaze and mouthed " You did it"  and I mouthed back "we did it". Without her and the girls I don't know where Lo, Vi, and I would be. We continued to cheered for them as their principal announced the graduating class and they all threw their caps in the air. It was so crowded that we could barely see anything.

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