Chapter 30: Lets Stay in Love

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*** This is gonna be a long chapter, warning you now***

~Ti, Li, and Ro~

Hold up Hold up, rewind something is off about that whole chapter. Yall don't really think our story ended like that do you? Hell Naw, you've heard our story and you know we've been through way too much shit to just let it end that way. I'd hope our loyal readers know that it'd never be that way.

So here is the real way our story is continuing, because it will never end....

3 weeks later (The real story)


We've prayed and prayed for three weeks straight that Jay would get better for us and the kids. The girls and I haven't left the hospital once, we make B and Charli bring us stuff. The kids were rotating between the grandparents' houses, but Charli offered to stay at the house with them so would have some sense of normalcy. You don't even know how hard it is to explain to 6 kids that one of their moms may not make it. Especially the two youngest ones, they just don't understand what's going on and none of us really want to explain it to them. Ro tried to explain it but she just broke down, so we decided to let the moms handle it cause they could deal with the different outbursts that they would have. And trust they had some out bursts.

We here at the hospital right now and I've been praying that the doctor will tell us some good news. Something that will keep Li, from crying the in bathroom when she thinks we are asleep and Ro from constantly jumping at every single noise that comes from Jay's heart monitor. None of us have had a good night of sleep in 3 weeks since Jay came into the hospital. And we won't until she is back in our home.

It looks like her levels are starting to level out a little bit, no swelling on the brain, and it doesn't look like the bacteria has spread throughout her body. The doctor said. So does that mean she gonna be okay. That's what it looks like to me, she'll come out of the coma once the medicine wares off. You hear that baby you are going to be okay, I said kissing her cheek softly. Yeah baby you are gonna be fine Li said kissing her hand. Ro had gone to the cafeteria real quick so she didn't hear the news.

The doctor was just looking at us kind of weird. Excuse me can I ask yall a question? I looked at Li and she looked at me, we already know where this gonna go we are used to it. Sure! Are the four of yall really married? Like to each other? We are I said holding up my left hand showing her the ring. Li followed suit and showed hers as well. Wow that's so...if you are gonna say something stupid don't bother Li said. I was gonna say that is so beautiful that the four of you can make a marriage work when two people can't. Thanks doc it's harder than the normal relationships but the love we have for each other is different. I understand, yall just keep loving her and she will come out that coma to the best thing ever...Family, she said leaving the room.

She's right Ti we gotta let Jay know how much we love her even in the coma. Li how did she get you to come out of your coma? She just talked to me for three days straight, she told me all the stuff that was going on with you guys and the girls as if I were still around and just missed it. She basically willed me back to life. Let's do that, lets will her back to life.

You remember that Christmas after we first got married? Yeah I do, it was the first and last time that we hosted a holiday at our house. It was because there were like 80 people there, how did we really expect to fit all those people in there?


She's been planning this Christmas dinner since October. I know Ti how in the hell are going to fit 85 people in this house? Ro said looking around the dining room and living room. See this is why we should of move into the new house already; we wouldn't be worrying about this. Li I know but moving seriously with a newborn baby ain't happening right now. Where is Jay right now anyway? She said she had to run an errand, but she's been gone for like three hours already. Let me call this girl and see where she is at, Li said going over to the phone.

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