Chapter 1: A day in the life...Pt. 2

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Previously on SEAL: Through Sickness and Health...

...I went inside the store to get her some more 7up, Gatorade, soup, and crackers only to run into who no one else but Crystal and Eric. Things haven't changed between us, he still pops up from time to time, but now as more of a friend rather than a hindrance and Crystal well she's not so bad she's changed a lot after the kids so I guess you can say that we are all "friends" on some level.

Hey Jay! Hey yall! Sick child, Eric said. How did you know? We have the exact same thing in our basket. Yeah it's a stomach virus, guess it's going around. 2 of our kids have it. Just one at our house and I am trying to keep it that way so we don't have a house full of sick kids. I feel for yall, all them kids too. Trust me I know. Well I gotta go I don't want her throwing up in my car. I said laughing a little. We understand it already happened to us twice. I turned to walk away but something grabbed my arm. I looked and it was Crystal. I looked at her hand and then up at her like why she touching me.  Hey Jay I really want to apologize for all the stuff that happened in the past I was just going...Crystal why you apologizing it's in the past okay. I am over it and the girls are over it, we are cool now okay. Yeah I just been thinking about some things in my life and I really wanna make a mends with the four of yall especially you and Tionne. That's commendable Crystal it really is. I'll talk to Ti when she gets back about maybe having your family over to the house for a BBQ are something. That would be nice she said smiling at me. 

What she say, I said getting back in the car. She said she was getting on a plane and coming home right now. You did tell her to stay and that we got it right? Yup told her 5 times and she still wasn't having it. Ughh she has too much to do out there why is she trying to come home. Here you drive and I'll call her again and make her stay. Alright babe she said as we switched seats. I dialed the number and she picked up on the first ring, I know you calling me to tell me not to come home and you're not changing my mind. Tenese listen to me we have it under control okay you just finish what you are working on and come home on Saturday like you are supposed to. I promise you she will be 100% better by then. Nichole I don't care what you I got it okay I don't want you messing up this opportunity that you have, so stay your ass there or we will have problems when you get back. Fine Jay I'll stay and tell the other Nicole she in trouble for telling on me. I am not telling her that you should of known better to begin with. Take care of my child Jay! You know I will baby now go back to sleep I because I know you are tired. By Jay! Bye Ti.

 I clicked the off button. That Li is how you get her to keep her ass where she is at I said laughing a little. I gotta take notes from you, so when you pull the same crap I can keep you in check too. When have I ever...oh so quickly you forget when Lo and Vi had the chicken pox and you about snapped my head off for making you stay at the studio and not come home. Whatever Li I said rolling my eyes at her. Keep doing that and they are gonna get stuck. And you would still love me anyway. I said sticking my tongue out at her. You think! I gave her a look like don't play.  

Guess who I ran into in the store? Who? Our favorite people, Eric and Crystal I said with sarcasm. Why is it that your ex will just not go away? It's like he got a damn tracking device on yo ass. Li! I said looking back at Chase who was out of it. You better be lucky she's asleep. Oh I am sorry your precious angel can't hear that type of language she said sarcastically. You know better Li so don't go there. Okay Jay I hate to burst your bubble but Angel face got a mouth like a sailor.  Whatever Li she doesn't I've never heard her curse. Exactly I have and she sounds just like Ti when you and her get into it.  Damn I said shaking my head. So what did the Garcia's want this time?  I don't know but get this Crystal tried to apologize to me. Li looked at me like are you serious. She did? Yeah she wants to actually apologize to all of us for what she did all those years.  

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