Chapter 13: Reminisce pt.2

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~All cont.~

I came out and the bathroom and Li is looking at me furious and Ti is trying to get her to calm down. Seriously I can't catch a break tonight. Li baby calm down, you know he was lying Jay would never tell him that information. Ti I am not dealing with you right now so move, this is between Jay and I. Jay did you tell that nigga that you didn't want my name on the papers to adopt Santana? What the hell are you talking about Li, I've never ever told Michael how the names where going on the paperwork. Funny because he was just here telling us how you told him all this information about it and how our marriage was in trouble. Are you fucking for real right now Lisa, you coming at me with this shit after what I've been through with him tonight? You two come on please don't do this right now the kids are here and they don't need to see the two of you fighting. Ti said standing between Li and I.

They were looking each other dead in the eye. Jay and Li please I am begging, both of yall don't do this right now, can we just talk about this, Ti said trying to grab both of their hands. If Ti hadn't been in between the two of them it would have been a totally different scene. I can already tell cause they were looking at each other like there going to kill each other. Do you want out Jay because if you do it can end it all right now and we don't have to worry about signing papers? Jay was looking at her like what the fuck did you just say to me. On the real I've seen Jay mad before, but never this mad. And it wasn't even that she was mad it was more that she was hurt that Li was coming at her like that, especially after everything that we have been through. I know Ro probably scared as hell cause she's never seen these two fight like this. 

Move Ti! No Jay I am not moving. Ti move I am not gonna touch her. Tell her from where you are. I am not gonna let yall fight like this, especially when the kids are in the house. Ti ain't gon let me handle Li the way I really want to right now so let me just calm down. I put my finger up to say something but then changed my mind, because what I really want to say to her will just make things worse. So rather than fight with her I went over to the dresser grabbed my phone and key's and left. I gotta get out the house before me and Lisa go to serious blows. It hasn't happened in a long time and I'd hate to see it happen again, with the kids in the house too. Jay, baby where you going? Ro said following me to the door. I gotta get of here for a little bit, don't wait up, I said kissing her cheek.

Damn Li why you have to piss her off like that you know she would never ever tell him that type of information. If Jay is done I am out too she said storming out of the room. Ti what the hell just happened? That was the Nicki's trying not to kill each other. I've never seen them fight like that before. I've only seen it once and it was well you know that whole never hitting each other rule we have? Yeah! That fight is the reason why we have a no hitting rule. You mean they actually hit each other? Just once. Damn how did I not know this? It was after you left the relationship, things got real bad and those two went left real quick.

***Flashback: Fuck this shit Li I am not dealing with it anymore if you wanna go out there and fuck god who knows who, you can because I am not dealing with it anymore. I ain't fucking anybody but you and Ti, and you know that, so why you tripping out. Yeah right Li, Ti when is the last time Lisa laid a hand on you or I? I didn't want to be in between the two of them fighting so I was kinda laying back. Tionne I asked yo ass a question. Damn fine Li it's been a while since we've all gotten down. So lie again Lisa with all these damn hickies on your neck Jay said pushing Li out the way. Well maybe if you weren't so caught up on Tionne all the damn time you could pay me some attention every now and then. Don't even Lisa cause you know that ain't even fair, I said. Naw Ti let her say what she wants to say. What was that Lisa I am all up on Tionne all the damn time huh, because yo ass ain't never at home anymore. So who's dick was you riding this time Jay said getting in her face. I could ask you the same Jay, oh you didn't think I knew about you and Eric down at the park? Wait what she talking about Jay. She just kept looking at Li. At least I kept my hoeish ways under wrap and didn't come home with a bunch of hickies on my damn neck.

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