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We're back!!! With more drama (baby daddies and family wise), love, kids, and of course it wouldn't be our story without the pranks. You didn't think it would end with that interview did you? Nope now it's time to tell you what really happens in our lives. This time we are telling our story uncensored and straightforward. There are a lot of things we left out in that interview because we respect that some things shouldn't be shared with certain people. But this time we aren't leaving anything out, we putting it all out there, to show you how sealed our love really is.

First let's catch up from where we left off 3 years ago.

We are still in Atlanta; don't ever think we will leave here because this is where all our family and friends are at. Our careers are going great the girls just released their 5th album. Yes, they are still the best selling, number 1 girl group of all times and they are about a million records from beating the Spice Girls for the world title. I know they will beat that record with their next album. Individually all them are thriving big time. It's crazy how busy we all are yet we still make time to see each other and spend time with the 800 kids that we have. I am joking we don't have 800 kids, but we damn near close with 7.Anyway we will talk about them later, let's talk about what we have all been doing over the past 3 years.

Let's start with Ro, she's been everywhere the last couple of years doing acting, promoting her fitness program, and above all promoting TLC first and foremost, keeping that TLC legacy alive. She still has her bag line and is working on that part time when she isn't jet setting to LA or New York for auditions and what not. Out of the 3 though she's the one that spends the most time in Atlanta, which is a big help with the kids.

Li, well she is always on the go, but I tell you this she makes time for her family. That girl will prioritize down to the T to be at ballet recitals, softball games, and back to school nights. Her thing was that she was going to do everything in her power to be around for her kids. Her solo career though blew up big time after her second album. Yeah Supernova had some setbacks but her second one was a hit in the US and overseas, which is where she spends most of her time at now a days. She still has plans to open her Youth Center in Honduras but she put it on hold for a minute to focus on the album and her production company.

We couldn't forget about the boss...Ti got so much going on right now it's not even funny. Movies, books, clothing lines she does it all with that beautiful smile on her face. Lately, she has been traveling back and forth to LA a lot because that's where a lot of her work is. And well like I said earlier baby daddy drama but we won't go into that right now, I'll let her fill you in on that. She and I still are still working on some projects too but you know how that goes they take time.

What have I been up to in the last three years? Well...Jay let us tell them what you been up to. Ti said! Sure thing babe! What has Jay been up to these past three years? She's been the rock for the family. She put off a lot of things to stay in Atlanta and be the primary parent for our as she says 800 kids. She sure has, I mean Jay goes on her trips but she is rarely ever gone for a long time. Li said. Even staying in Atlanta though she still busy as hell with her store, still producing part time, working on movies, she still has time to keep up with our busy schedules. When we say keep up with... we mean she knows where we are at pretty much anytime of the day. Not like a stalker or an obsessive wife, but she cares a lot about us and just wants to make sure we are okay so we appreciate it.

That's us in a nut shell, you're probably wondering about the all these damn kids though. We never really talked about family size in the beginning we just knew that whatever happened would happen for a reason and that it was all left up to Big G. Never did we imagine that we would have a house full of kids, 4 teenagers, an adult, and two under the age of 10. Man it seems like just yesterday they were all little kids. And now within few years we will only have 2 left at home. Ro said. Yall don't mind her she still on the another baby train and with everything that we got going on it just wasn't/isn't the right time. Like for real Ro we travel way too much and we can't leave Jay to raise a baby. Ti said. I know it's just that I don't want our house to be empty. Trust our house will never be empty as long as B and Liyah keep popping out them big head kids we will forever have kids at the house. Li said.

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