Chapter 26: Rose, Thorns, and everything in between

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~Ro ~

When we got back to the house I was over the whole situation. I semi resolved things with Jay but with Ti nope not right now I am tired of it. We got the kids all settled with everything and I snuck away to work out room to get some alone time from everyone and everybody. I was running on the treadmill with my ear phones on when I felt the machine stop. What the...I looked and Ti was staring at me. I just rolled my eyes at her and turn the machine back on. Are you gonna talk to me Ro? Go away Ti I just need space right now. Why you act like I did something to you. Really I said stopping the machine again. You don't even know why I am mad do you. No honestly Ro I don't. I am sick of you and Jay making all the decisions in this marriage like damn there are two other people here. What are you talking about Ro we don't make all the decisions. You kidding me right? Yall make all the decisions where we live, how we spend the money, how the kids are raised while Li and I barely get a say in anything. The fuck Ro you tripping we don't do that. Really you don't, okay so who picked this house we live in? We did you know that. No you did I wanted the other house and Li really didn't care. So you upset about a house that we bought 10 years ago? No I am upset because you and Jay treat me and Li like yall side chicks rather than yalls equals in this marriage. That's not even true Ro and you know that. It is too Tionne and you know it. That's why you never once mentioned that your name was on Santana's birth certificate.

Okay Ro I was wrong for that I'll admit it but you weren't exactly running to step up and put your name on the birth certificate. Actually at that time you acted like you didn't even care who signed it. Man whatever Ti I am not even trying to hear that she said blowing me off. That's the damn problem right there Ro stop being so passive aggressive, shit if you have something to say, say it. Fine you want me to say how I really feel Ti she said getting off the treadmill, Yes! Please damn it's like pulling fucking teeth to get you talk to us. I feel like this marriage ain't working for me. What! That's how I feel, I thought being married to three people would give me the love and attention I needed but so far what has it gotten me nothing but a second oh wait a third position to someone else's heart and a miscarriage. Oh and by the way yall don't have to worry about leaving me here when yall move to Cali. When she said that I was at a loss for words, because I just didn't know how to process that she wanted out of the marriage. Now can I please get back to my run she said putting the earphones back in her ears. Yeah Ro I said walking out the work out room.


I was helping Nicholas and Santana with their homework when I saw Ti come from the workout room with this weird look on her face. Hey yall finish up and I'll be right back. Okay mom they both said. Ti you okay I said pulling her away? She looked at me with this blank stare before speaking...uhh yeah I am fine Li. No you're not what happened between you and Ro? Don't worry about it Li she said kissing my cheek and going upstairs. This the shit I am talking about our marriage has endured a lot but the one thing that has always crippled it is the lack of communication that we have. Ti don't talk about stuff, Jay don't talk and Ro holds it in until she just explode on folks out of nowhere. Honestly if we don't fix this I don't know if we will last another 10 years.

Ro came back upstairs an hour later I had already sent the kids upstairs so I was the only one down stairs. Hey Li she said kissing my cheek, Hey babe! I am gonna go catch a quick shower and then I'll be back down to start dinner. Don't worry Jay and I already started it. Oh well okay. Ro what happened between you and Ti? She rolled her eyes, we had a discussion about how her and Jay make all the decisions in the marriage. We make the decisions together Ro you know that. No Li we don't, her and Jay run this marriage and family they decide what happens and when it happens. Ro...I am serious Li open your eyes and look at the stuff we've been threw in the past it happened because they let it happen or said it could happen. I don't know how you can stand playing second fiddle in their relationship. See what I mean holding it in and exploding on people. I am gonna go take my shower I'll be down for dinner, she said going up the stairs.

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