Chapter 23: Crazy Love pt. 1

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            Finally I can go to sleep I said plopping down on the couch and putting my head in Ti's lap. You tired baby, she said stroking my hair. Yes too tired between the store, the studio, and Santana it's like I've been running on E for the last month and a half. You'll be  okay, you just need to relax a little. Hey I need to talk to you about something. What's up? You know how you love baby's right? I looked up at her like what the hell you about to tell me. Who...omg them kids are too much Li said coming in the living room. Hey babes she said kissing both me and Ti and then lifting my legs up so she could sit on the couch. Oh what they up to now Ti said diverting her attention from the statement she had just made about the baby. The two little ones are far too advanced like I think we will never guess what Tron wants for a pet now, Ro said coming in.

Move Jay hogging up the couch she said moving my legs off Li and making room for herself. Ro you lucky I love you and I am too tired to handle you right now. I said sitting up off Ti's lap. Oh please Jay, the last few times I've been handling you, she said raising her eyebrow at me. Li and Ti were laughing as Ro and I went back and forth talking about who handled who better. Really Ro, I believe I had you hitting them high notes. Whatever Jay, just know that you was screaming my name the last time. We both busted out laughing after that. Shit Ro I couldn't help it you was...Hey hey we supposed to be talking about the kids, not who did who the best. Li said. So who wants to go first? None of us said anything because secretly we all had dirt on the kids but we didn't want to share it with each other. Okay youngest to oldest. Sounds good to me, Ti said sighing in relief. I looked at her like she was hiding something. Whatever she hiding about Charlie must be big.

So I am up, Li said... them little ninja's is too much, she said laughing a little. Especially Shi shi, she is for real crazy like even more than us Jay. What she do this time? Ro said. Man she and Nicholas be going at it like it's nothing. She was complaining that her cast was itching and he was like I can take it off for you, but I'll have to cut your leg off to do it. Tell me why she looked at him like nigga just wait till this cast come off, it's yo ass for real. We were all laughing because the way Li was telling the story was so freaking animated. No but get this so after I told her to cool it, this little girl looked at me and in the sweetest voice said " Okay mommy" and went back to playing the game like it was nothing even happened. She your child Li! Nope don't put all that on me. Yeah I am a little crazy, but I ain't like that. That's all Jay, with them looks she be giving and then that whole evil niceness thing. I gotta keep yall's asses in check somehow. They all looked at me like oh don't even go there.

Anyway and Nicholas ain't too far from Santana. Why he use my own line on me. What line was that? He was like "mom don't insult our intelligence". That's the same line you used on me that day after you caught me and Ti. I know! Hey my baby is smart, boom now you know! Ti said laughing. That he is, but what dirt he been up too, because yall know he mastermind stuff all the time. He was probably behind the vote they had. What vote? We'll cover that when we get to Lo and Vi.

Now on to our young teenagers, Ro what's up with them? Ti said. We got two totally different problems going on with them. Problems! The three of us said. Yeah which problem yall want to hear first? Which one is less likely to give us a heart attack? Li said. Hmm...Tron it is. So yall know how he's been begging for a pet for the past like 6 months. Yeah we've been putting it off thinking maybe he would forget. He hasn't, guess what he wants? Something other than the normal pet, I said. Oh hell yeah! This boy wants a freaking snake. Oh hell no, I am not living in the house with a snake, nope it ain't happening! Ti said. That's kind of dope, what kind he want, Li said. We all looked at her like what the hell is wrong with you. It don't matter because he ain't getting one. Ro said. Come on Ro, he's a good kid and never really asks for anything. Fine we will vote and since Ti and I say no its up to Jay. Uh Li I don't know I ain't for no snakes. Couldn't we just buy him a car or something? I am sure we could but that's not what he asked for Jay. What if we compromise with him? What you got in mind? He can get the snake but that son of gun stays at Dallas house. You think that would work? That's his only option because if there is a snake in this house, aint none of yall getting any, I said laughing. Amen Ti said. So Li you can break the news to him okay, Ro said. Why I always gotta be the one to break the news? Because baby you're good at it, I said pinching her cheek. She looked at me like keep playing.

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