Chapter 26: Roses, Thorns, and everything between pt.

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~ Jay ~

I pulled up to the house and sat there for a minute before going in. Why you even here Jay you know you can work this out without involving them in it? We try our hardest not involve them in our marital issues but sometimes you just need help. Okay Jay you can do this...I grabbed the keys and got out of the car and went to the door. Before I could knock the door swung open. Get in her girl we've been waiting on you. I am sorry I had to get the kids together for tomorrow. So you got a problem you need to talk about with us she said following me into the living room. Yes I do, I am almost to the end of my rope and I don't know what to do. So what's going on with you and our daughters, Ms. Ava said? It's so hard to juggle everything, don't get me wrong I love each and every one of them completely but it's hard trying to make all of them happy at the same time. I thought this was a happy day they signed the paperwork to adopt Santana what went wrong? Li's mom said. Everything, we had a falling out before we went and I had to tell Ro and Li that Ti's name has been on Santana's birth certificate the whole time.

Nichole you let her sign the paperwork that day? I did and I know I shouldn't have but it felt right and I didn't know how to say no. So Lisa blew up on you? Surprisingly, no she didn't and I was expecting her too, I think she blew up on Ti. So why didn't you and Tionne tell them this way back then, Ms. Gayle said. We didn't know how to and honestly I said looking at Ms. Ava I didn't know if I really wanted Ro to sign the papers back then, I wasn't 100% sure that she was gonna stick around. I can understand that Jay and I don't blame you for being apprehensive. I've told Ro so many times that yall need to be on that other level and she always tells me "mama were working on it", but I can see now that yall aren't. Yall dont trust each other thata is very clear.  Listen Jay'mee yall need to get it together before yall lose it. We mothers don't butt into yalls lives because yall are grown ass women, but do you remember those six years that yall were separated? I do Ms. Wanda I still have the scars from it. Funny you say that Nichole, the scars that you have are the visible effects of yall's separation, but all of yall have the internal scars from that separation that never healed.

Jay'mee let me ask you something have you, Tionne, Lisa, and Rozonda ever really talked about yalls self with each other. We talk all the time, we know about each other. Really, yall know about each other? Yes ma'am. Okay Jay we're gonna see how much you know your wives. Jay how did Li get the scare on her left arm? She fell off her bike when she was 7 took like 15 stiches to close it up. Alright that was an easy one what about this have you ever seen Tionne cry? Yeah I've seen her cry. No Jay'mee I mean have you ever really seen her cry like when she's hurt? I don't think I have I said looking down, I try not to hurt her like that. You can't guarantee that she won't get hurt either. What about Ro, do you know how she really feels about moving to California? I know she doesn't want to but all we are asking is that she at least try it. Jay'mee if Ro was to asked you to stay in Atlanta with her would you, my mom said? I... Don't answer that till you can say it with an open heart and a truthful answer.

Yall knew this marriage was gonna be hard from the get go and now that it's gotten to another rough patch yall can't just throw in the towel on it. Exactly Wanda, you girls got 6 kids that are yall's responsibility so yall need to get it together and work it out because if yall divorce it won't just be yall that are hurting, it will also be those six kids that you have at home. I know this but how do I as one person fix this, it's stressful. That's the problem you trying to fix it by yourself, you not the only person in the marriage so you shouldn't be the only person to fix it. Amen the other three moms said. I looked at my watch I guess I better go before they come looking for me. Look don't take this as us ganging up on yall because trust we aren't, we want to see yall succeed, it's just that yall gotta want it too as well. Nothing or no one can ever get between those vows yall took. Not even you four, so go home talk to them and fix this before god forbid something happens to one of you and its too late.


When the four of us are off balance you can feel it in the house and it's not the best feeling. I know the kids felt it when Ti skipped dinner and Ro's mind wasn't really there either. Santana asked if she didn't something wrong to make Ti not come down? I don't know everything Ro said to her but I know whatever it was it really hurt Ti.

Ro and I were watching TV in living room when Jay finally came back. Hey where is Ti? I am right here babe she said coming down the stairs. I think we need to talk. Uhh yeah we do, I said turning off the TV. Jay sat on the other couch and Ti sat next to her. Where do we start? None of us wanted to say anything we just sat there kinda looking around. One of us has to say something Ti said. I'll go Jay said. Look what happened today wasn't supposed to happen, Lisa and Ro I don't want yall thinking that Ti was at fault for me not telling yall that her name was on the birth certificate. It was my decision that day to let her sign the papers even though I knew I shouldn't have. I should of told yall as soon as it happened and there is no excuse for me to have kept that from yall all these years. It wasn't just the birth certificate Jay, Ro said. It's that you and Ti made the decision not to tell Li and I together. It wasn't just you. And yall do this all the time, make the decisions and then tell Li and I what to do and how to do it. Ro we don't do that.

Actually Jay we do, Ti said. Ti we don't we always consult them on everything. Yeah we do after we've discussed it, but we don't bring it to them first. Is that how yall really feel Li and Ro? I said looking at them. That's how I feel Jay I feel like you and Ti make all the decisions and you only consider Li as an afterthought. Jay I... I honestly do feel that way sometime, you and Ti assume a lot of things but you never really confirm the things. It's not even the birth certificate thing its deeper than that. The whole California move thing, like yeah I am down for it because I can operate and work pretty much anywhere but did yall ever really think how Ro would feel about moving? No we didn't we just assumed if we were going that yall would follow. And that's the problem we don't communicate with each other at all. We think sex can fix everything and it can't so we end up here 10 years later with this problem. So what do yall want to do, do yall want to separate Ti said.

That's not an option for us we need to fix this because divorce is out of the question, Li said. Ro you still wanting out, Ti said? When she said that I looked at Ro, you want out Ro I said fighting back tears. Sometimes I do Jay, because I feel like you put me last after Ti and Li. So I wonder well she wouldn't have to worry if I wasn't here. No Ro you aren't leaving, I am not letting you leave we can work on this okay? Jay none of us are going anywhere, we are all gonna fix this so just don't worry, Li said. Come over here Ro said Jay and I. We went over and sat by them and entwined our fingers together. Look at us what would we do without each other? We'd probably be miserable wishing we were still together. That's true I wouldn't want to start over it too draining. That's for damn sure and yall know these dudes are no good. You mean if we were to split that you wouldn't get another girlfriend Jay? Li you smoking the same stuff B is? I am not gay boo boo. Babe yeah you are, Ti said laughing at me. Alright so then we are all gay then if I am. We are with each other. And only each other right, Ti said? Hell yeah, you know how long it took me train Jay to do that thing she does. Really now Li you trained me to do that? I put in a couple of months getting it perfected. Both are too freaky, Ro said laughing at us. Li and I looked at Ro, like really. Okay Ro play the shy role, you know yo ass is a freak too. It's cause yall turned me into one. Li and Ro we are sorry we take over all the decision making and we will try to not do that ain't that right babe I said to Ti. It is we don't mean to do it and when we do it let us know. I can definitely do that Li said. What about you Ro can you do that for us? I definitely can for yall. I love yall so much! We love you too Ro! Come on lets go make sure these kids are asleep and then go to bed.


So now we know where Jay was, with the Mothers Council!!!  What do yall think are they right do the girls need to get to together? And what did they mean by "before something happens to one of you"? I saw a few key things that stuck out to me about their relationship tell me if yall notice them as well. But in the end they seemed to have worked it out and hopefully they wont have any other problems or will they? 

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