Chapter 22: Family no matter what

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Back to all these damn kids we have a few days later...

~Jay, Lo, and Vi*

I decided I needed to have a talk with Ms. Lo and Ms. Vi because all this damn attitude and drama we've been having out of them is starting to get old and I know we raised them better than this. I knocked on their door. Come in, Vi said. I opened the door; her and Lo were sitting in her bed doing their homework. Oh hey Mom, they said perking up a little. Hey Girls we need to talk! I said sitting on the bed. What about Mom? This behavior yall are displaying. What's up with it? They didn't say anything. We didn't raise yall to act like this so what is the problem. Mom it's just that yall treat us like babies like yall are too strict. Vi said. We are strict on yall because we don't want you making the same mistakes that we made when were your age. But Mom come on the constant calls when we are out and then the approval of friends, we are sixteen we can make our own decisions. Okay I can understand that, maybe we are a tad to clingy with yall lately, and maybe we can loosen the grip a little, but the attitudes and the sneaking around has got to stop. We understand mom and we get it. We were seriously disappointed with yall after the house party thing and then the lying, we wanna be able to trust yall to do things. Yall are the oldest after Charli so we expect yall to set the example for the other kids. We know mom, Lo said hugging me.

I got one more question for yall and I want yall to be 100% with me. Sure thing mom! At that party were yall drinking? Tell me the truth. They looked at each other. Yes Mom we were, I had three drinks and Lo had 2, Vi said looking down. I sat there shaking my head. Neither of you sat your drink down at any time did you? No ma'am if we did we went and got another. I don't know what to say I am really disappointed in you two but at the same time I am proud that at least you did listen to something we told you. Mom, Lo said do you think we can still have our party? I don't know girls the behavior lately. Please mom they said clinging to me and making their sad puppy dog faces like they use to do when they were little. I looked at them, fine yall got two weeks to prove to us that yall are worthy of this party. I'll talk to the other three but don't make me look like fool or its yall's butts. Thank you mom we won't, they said kissing me on the cheek. Yeah whatever get back to that homework and I'll see about maybe sneaking yall a TV or something. Thanks Mom you're the best! Mmhm! I am serious girls 2 weeks. I said shutting the door behind me.

~Ti and Charli...*

Yo Mimi can we talk for a minute? Sure Charli what's on your mind? Well a couple of things. Okay tell me what's going on? Well you know I've been seeing Nia for a while and things between us are kind of getting to a serious level. So are you thinking about marrying her? Yeah, but it may happen sooner rather than later. Is she pregnant? Yeah! Damn Charli you only 20 and got a baby on the way! I know we weren't trying to have a kid the condom broke and you know the rest. How far along is she? 4 months and we already know the sex of the baby. So what are yall having? We're having a little boy! Congrats, look I know you will be a good dad and do right by Nia. Have you told your parents? I told my dad and step mom, they understood. My mother though she didn't take it too well, she cussed me out in Spanish. He said laughing. Mari's good for that, but she will be okay once she sees the baby. Thanks Mimi for understanding, I am just worried about how Gigi and My grandma are gonna take this. Your grandmother will be fine...your Gigi on the other hand! I know, you think you could...Charli you want me to butter her up so she won't go off you. If you could! You know I got you Charli, I got her wrapped around my finger. Everyone in the house knows that. He said laughing. She knows who the boss is! I said laughing. Please don't say that, remember I use to sleep in the room next to yall. Ooop, you heard us? Yes way to many nights, he said shaking his head. Damn didn't realize we were that loud. Okay Mimi I don't wanna talk about yall's sex life. He said shaking his head and looking down. Don't hate because it be poppin! She said laughing.

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