Chapter 42: We Belong together

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6 months later....


I am waiting here to pick up my baby. A 3 month gig turned into 6 months of us being apart. And let me tell you this I missed the hell out of her, Skype and telephone wasn't cutting it I needed to physically see her, touch her, just be with her. You probably are saying why you didn't hop on a plane and go see her. That would have been easier said than done and then we would be back were before cause I know her and she wouldn't let me leave nor would I let her leave if she came to Cali. Plus after the whole Mack situation I didn't want her anywhere near Cali until she was moving over here. So we had to tough out these 6 months of no physical contact with each other. But we made it through it and now she's coming home.

I looked up the escalator, I saw the Jay I fell in love with back in 92 the young, determined, motivated Jay that pulled me in the very first time we spoke to each other. She smiled at me and I knew right then and there I was never letting her go again. Once she got to the end of the escalator she walked over to me. Ms. Watkins! Ms. Anderson! I couldn't take it any longer I grabbed her and kissed her. I didn't even care who saw us in that airport.  I missed you so much baby. I know the feeling Ti. Come on lets go, I've got a surprise for you back at the house. Surprise she said smirking! No Jay I said backing away from her and running to the baggage claim. She caught me though. Just tell me Ti and we won't have any problems she said kissing my neck while we walked to get her luggage. I can't Jay it'll be ruined. But what if we .... she started whispering something in my ear. I looked at her like are you serious in an airport. Well we could do it in the car. Jay not this time, just let me surprise you baby, for once. Okay Ti! You can surprise me she said grabbing my hand. Thank you! We finally made it to the car and started driving to the house we are renting while we are out here in Cali.

I am so glad I am back, how are my babies I missed them like crazy. They are good Jay and trust they miss you too. I bet they have gotten so big and I feel so bad I had to miss Nicholas's birthday. Babe its fine and he loved the gifts. It's not the same Ti, I've never missed his birthday's. Don't worry about it Jay he's fine trust me. When are Ro and Li getting here with the others kids? Ro will be here tomorrow and Li and the girls are coming next week. * Okay yall that's a lie, but she doesn't need to know that right now, the girls are already at the house waiting on us to get there. Ro came for a little bit after her breakdown but then she went back to Atlanta for a month or so to handle some business we had left over there. Li hit a snag in opening the youth center so she had to end up staying longer than the 3 months she planned. * So it's me and you for tonight she said smiling at me. It's anything you want I said winking at her. After a 45 minute drive we finally pulled up to the house. Damn Ti this is the house we living in? Yeah babe it's nice as hell in the inside too. I grabbed her hand. Wait what about my luggage? We will get it later, don't you want your surprise. Oh hell yeah, I almost forgot!


SURPRISE! I can't believe they threw me a surprise welcome home party! MOMMY! I heard Santana say running through the crowd and jumping into my arms. I looked at Ti! I was a part of the surprise I couldn't tell you they were back already. Then all the kids started running to me. Mom! Mom! Was all I heard for like 15 minutes as all the kids hugged and kissed me. I was missing a son though. Where is Tron? Oh he is back in Atlanta with Dallas for a few weeks, he'll be here though. Oh okay. Jay I got two other surprises for you, which one do you want first? Are they both good? Oh Yeah they are! Okay which ever one is cool with me. Okay come with me. We walked into this massive kitchen, there were a lot of people in there but there was this one person I just could not keep my eyes off of.

Ro! She looked up at me and smiled. Baby you're home she said coming towards me. Hold up there was something drastically different about her and let me tell you when I left 6 months ago she was not in this state. I looked at her stomach and she had a little baby bump. When she got to me she hugged and kissed me. Ro are you? I am, we are going to have another baby! But how, when, where, and who? Jay you know how. But I had a dream Jay that I was pregnant. I talked to Ti and Li about it and Li told me it was a sign that it was time to try again. So I talked to Dallas and asked if he wouldn't mind trying again.  Dallas! yeah Dallas I couldn't do it with anyone else but him. 

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