Chapter 32: Irony pt. 2

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Okay when she comes through that door that's it she giving in tonight cause this no sex thing ain't working. Who you telling I almost had her until the damn phone started ringing? Shit I had her cornered in the bathroom this morning and I so wanted to put her on that counter and...wait is that her? Yeah it is, that's her car alarm. She came into the house with three dozen of roses. We looked at each other like this is not one of her scare tactics.

Hey babes I need to talk to yall like for real she said handing each one of us a bouquet and giving us a kiss. I mean a real kiss not a peck on the cheek either. Ro looked at me and Ti like is this some new scare tactic. We both shrugged like she's never done this before. We followed her in to the living room and sat on the couch while she stood in front of us. She was pacing for a minute before she finally stopped and took a deep breath and sat on the coffee table.

I am just gonna say it, I am leaving yall! When I said that Ti's face went three shades of purple. And Li looked like she was going to literally cry. And Ro was just dumbfounded. I am leaving because I just need some time to process a few things in my life and I can't do it here. But Jay what about...No Ro I can't stay it's not going to work. I started to play with my ring a little bit like I was going to take it off. I just... it's too much and I do love yall I really do but I just can't do this I said still playing with my ring.

They think they can play games I can play them too, except I am way better at it then them. Which one to break first? I looked at Ro naw to easy, she'll break down. Ti nope not trying to get my ass beat, and then she'd drive me to the hospital afterword's. Li is perfect, cause I can get the reaction I want out of her without her going left field on me.

Li I want you to make sure that Santana is raised right, make sure that she knows I love her, and that Lo and Vi are taken care of as well. I'll give you the information for the bank account with the money that Michael left her so you can take care of her. She was just staring at me like what hell. Ti will you tell Chase and Nicholas that I love them as well. And I am sorry I couldn't make it work. Baby I love you so much, I just I know you will help Li take care of Santana too. Ro I am really sorry I am for bringing you into this, but make sure that Tron knows I love him too.

I...I think I should go pack I said standing up. I looked at them one last time. I love yall I said before going upstairs. I got half way up the stairs and they were still literally sitting there staring at the wall in shock. Wait I forgot something I said going back into the living room. They looked at me... I forgot to say that I will only be gone for three months and then I will be back for yall and my kids I said smiling at them.

Ti's color finally returned once I said that. Jay'mee Nichole you are so lucky that I love you cause right now I could kill you and bring you back to life, like for real. Girl you damn near gave me a heart attack, she said grabbing me and hugging me. Don't ever in your life do that to me again! Oh you thought you were the only ones that can play dirty. Ro was just staring like she didn't understand. Ro, Baby I was just playing with yall, I am gonna go to Texas but I will be back. She raised her hand like she was gonna slap me and I flinched a little, instead she grabbed me and with the most passion ever she kissed me. Don't ever do that shit again you had me about to pass out. Well damn somebody got the upper hand Ti said looking at Ro. Li was still looking at me not saying a word; she stood up in front of me and got really close to me like she was going to say something to me in my ear. She stuck her hands under my shirt and pulled it off of me. Before I knew it she had me in nothing but my bra and panties. Jay how you want this cause you are getting it one way or another? I looked at Ti and then I looked at Ro and then I looked around the living room for an escape route. Nope Jay you can't run this time, Ti said with a smirk on her face. Damn! I looked back at Li and she was still looking at me with this hint of anger yet passion and lust in her eyes. Fine I want it Crazy I said running my finger down her chest, Sexy I did the same to Ro, and when I got to Ti I looked at her, bit my lip and Cool. They looked at each other like oh hell yeah. 4 long yet very enjoyable hours later we were lying on the floor of the living room.

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