Chapter 43: R.E.D

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4 months later....

Ro's pregnancy has been the best out of all four of us. She doesn't cry or have mood swings and she is generally happy unless you mess with her food, which is normal for us because we already know not to mess with her food if we plan to live. She's 8 and a half months and we are wondering if she will have the baby early, so we keep a very close eye on her. Now that we got so many people in the house, it's like we are all assigned a person or group of people to look after.

Since the girls are about to go off to college they are busy getting their stuff together for that , Ti has the older kids Chase and Tron, while Li has Nicholas, Santana, and Luci. Well actually I am helping her with Luci too, but my sole responsibility is making sure that Ro is okay. This last year our bond has grown tremendously so taking care of her during this pregnancy is my test to in our commitment to each other.

Come on mamas lets go see if mommy is up I said grabbing Luci from her room. Mami RoRo time to get up, she sung as we went back to our bedroom. Yup baby it's time for her to get up I said. I open the door to see Ro on her hands and knees cleaning something. Ro baby what are you doing? Jay I think I peed. What do you mean? I got out of bed and all of this water came rushing down my legs. Oh my god Ro you didn't pee, your water broke I said rushing over to her. No baby it didn't I don't feel any contractions and I am only 8 and a half months, she said as I was helping her up. As soon as she stood up straight up them pains hit her and she squeezed the hell out of my hand and her knees buckled. OH MY GOD JAY! I told you Ro come on we are going to the hospital right now. She looked at me like don't say shit to me about I told you so. 

Come on Ro I gotta get you out of here right now. Come on mamas I said grabbing Luci's hand we gotta get mommy to the hospital. Mommy going to hospital she said with a confused face! Jay we can't take her with us. I know we aren't Liyah is on speed dial I will call her as soon as I get you down the stairs. It hurts Jay like really bad. I know it does baby, can you walk down the stairs or do you need me to carry you. I think I can do it she said going down the stairs she got down three and then she couldn't anymore cause the pains were hitting her too hard... Luci listen to me baby I need you to go get mommy's phone okay it's on the table right there I said pointing to my phone on the table. Okay mami I get your phone she said going down the stairs slowly. She got the phone and brought it back to me. Thank you baby! I dialed Liyah's number. Liyah and B got a condo out here so they could come and visit every now and then. Luckily they just so happen to be here right now.

The phone rang a few times Hey Jay! Hey Liyah I need you to come get Luci for me. Sure what's up? Ro is in labor and I can't take her with me. OMG Jay why are you so calm and not freaking out? Cause Liyah I gotta stay calm for her so she doesn't freak out. I am on my way B watch the kids I gotta go get Luci, Ro's in labor she yelled in the back ground. Thanks Liyah! No problem Jay.

Okay baby I said turning my attention back to Ro who was now obviously in pain. Ro baby you gotta breathe okay. Tell me how far apart are the contractions? They...are... like 8... minutes apart. Okay I am gonna carry you down the stairs and then I am get your bag okay? O...Okay baby! I carried her down the stairs and put her on the last step. Luci watch mommy okay! She sat on the step next to Ro and started rubbing Ro's belly. Mami be okay! Yeah mommy will be okay Ro said smiling at her. I ran back upstairs to get her bag. When I got back down stairs Ti and Li were coming through the door from taking the kids to school. Don't even stop grab her and take her to the car I said to them. Ro baby it's gonna be okay Ti and Li said getting her out the house. By the time I got outside Liyah was pulling up. Luci be good for Auntie Liyah okay I said kissing her cheek. Okay mami love you. Love you too baby I said kissing her forehead and putting her into the car seat in Liyah's car. Thanks Liyah I'll call you and update you. Alright bye Jay.

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