Chapter 23: Crazy Love pt. 2

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The next morning when I woke up Jay was still on my chest. Ro was laying on Li. I guess with marriage times do change because it's usually Li that would be on Jay. I was playing in her hair, she started to stir and then she began to sit up. Good morning baby! She said smiling. Morning gorgeous! She leaned in and kissed me softly, before climbing over me. Wait where you going? I gotta get these kids out of here to school. Naw babe don't worry about them, Let Lo and Vi get them ready, you can just relax for once I said pulling her back on top of me. Thank you baby, she said laying back on me. I'll text the girls. You can't do that baby remember we took their phones. Damn, we need to give those back to them. Yeah we do. Just then Li woke up. Morning babes! Morning baby, we said. Ro has too much damn much hair she said moving Ro's hair off her face. Now you know how it feels to be me, Jay said laughing at Li. Yeah but my hair don't be all in your face. Sure it don't. I heard what you said Li, Ro said flipping her hair to the other side so we could face each other. Morning Ro! Morning yall! There was a knock on the door. Who is it Li said? It's us Mom! That's Lo. Hold up real quick. When you have as many kids as we do you learn to lock doors. We all put on big T-shirts and then Ro went to unlock the door.

Morning mom's they said coming in with trays of breakfast. We all four looked at each other like did they really make us breakfast. So what do we owe this pleasure I said as Tron handed me a tray. We just wanted to show yall how much we appreciate yall so we made yall breakfast and got ourselves ready for school. I looked at Ti like how did they know. Well thank you kids Li said. Where are the little ones at? We feed them already and Auntie Liyah came and got them for school. We brought yall's trays before we left. Starting the two weeks off right I see! I said eating some of the food. We are! And then they turned to walk out the room. Wait...Lo go in our closet and grab the box at the very back of it, Ti said. She went in the closet and brought the box with all of their electronics in it. Here you go Titi she said handing her the box. Here she said handing Lo her and Vi's phones back. For real they said looking at the phones. Yeah we decided yall need them for emergency purposes so there you go. Thanks so much moms they said grinning from ear to ear while turning their phones back on. The other stuff stays until the end of the two weeks. Okay that's fair they said. Hey Li you got your phone? Yeah, here she said handing it to me. Yall can go now! Ro said.

And the kids left the room. Watch this I said, texting them that they could still have their party. I hit send and started the count down. MY GOD, YES!! We heard Vi yelling from downstairs. They both ran back upstairs and jumped our bed hugging us. Thank you so much moms, you just don't know how happy we are. We can see how happy yall are. Your two weeks is still in full affect I said. Yeah and the three of us are going to have a long talk about alcohol; Li said Now get out of here before yall are late to school. Ti said shooing them off the bed. Bye yall they said kissing us on the cheek and then leaving the room. That was nice of them. It was and this is good. I wonder which one of them cooked it. My guess is Lo & Chase cooked it. Love Vi to death, but the girl burned water, like how do you burn water. Hey leave my baby alone Li said. Li, can you teach the child how to cook, please? Ti said laughing. I will yall just give me some time; I promise I will teach her. This year please I said laughing.

We sat eating for a little while longer before it was time to our day started. Jay you go get ready and we will take these down stairs. Are you sure I can carry my own tray. Go on Jay just get in the shower. I looked at all three of them like I know yall up to something. Fine I am going I said going into the bathroom. Damn Ti how you gone tell her, you see that attitude she gave, Ro said? I got a plan, yall just make sure Charli is out this house by the time she gets out the shower. Alright, we will try.

An hour later Jay was out the shower and the girls had gotten Charli out the house. Come here baby I said pulling her over to me. Baby you smell good. Thank you, Ti what's going on? What you mean? I mean the secretive shit; you know something you not telling me. Can we spend the day together please and I promise I will tell you. Is it that bad, is someone dying or some shit? Please Jay the day. Okay Ti we can spend the day together, but if you don't tell me by tonight its yo ass, you hear me. Yeah I hear you, you said you want my ass. Ti don't play with me. But that's the fun part. We'll see how fun it'll be when you ain't getting any. You can't hold out on me, I am your weakness. You think she said walking out the room. Here goes nothing hopefully what I have planned won't end up with me in the dog house with her.

I don't know what Ti is up too but we are spending the day together. So far she has taken me to the spa, to get my Nails done; shopping, and now we are heading back home. It's only about 3 so the kids will be home in a little bit. Thank you so much baby I needed that. I know you did anything to make you happy. You know what would make me happy right now? What? If my wife would tell me what she's hiding from me. She looked me straight in the eyes. Okay come on, she said leading me into the living room. I sat down and she sat down in front of me. I am a be straight forward with you Charli and Nia are having a baby, she's 4 months pregnant with a boy.

I just sat there looking at her, I couldn't believe it my 20 year old nephew is going to be a dad. He made exact same mistake that his dad did. Jay! Jay! baby are you going to say something? Are you freaking kidding me Ti, a baby? Yup a baby! He's still a baby his-self I mean hell he still living with us, we still pay his bills, buy his clothes, feed his ass how is he going to take care of a baby. Jay I know it's hard but you gotta let him grow up. You've done it all for him, now it's his time to make it for his self. How long have you known? It's not even like that Jay, I just found out the other night, he's already told B, Liyah, and Mari. So I am the last to find out? No your mom doesn't know yet. I am so disappointed in him Ti, I had high hopes that he wouldn't make the same mistakes that his father did. Jay, Charli is not B, he's done everything plus more that you have asked for from him. And believe it or not he wants to marry Nia and do the right thing for the baby.

So what are we gonna do? We are gonna let him go be a man and stand on his own two feet. You still own the old house right? Yeah! I was thinking about selling if we moved to Cali. Don't sell it; this will be the final thing you do for him to stand on his own two feet. You mean get it fixed up and give it to him? Yeah that way you know he has some where to stay and the baby has a home. Your right I've held his hand for way to long it's time for him to stand as a man. It's okay baby he will always be your nephew, but you gotta let him go. Thanks for being straight with me Ti. No problem baby.

You and the girls are still gonna get it though. Why what we do? You think I am that stupid Ti, yall sexed me up last night because you didn't know how to tell me. Damn we caught! Yup it's okay though because I needed that too I said kissing her. Mmm did you she said climbing on top of me. Yeah I did. We were about to hit it full force till the door swung open. "Mommy the princess is home from school!" Just like Santana to make a grand entrance at the wrong time. I swear I said pulling my shirt back down. I got you later boo Ti said getting off me. I'll be waiting I said slapping her on the butt. Don't get yourself in trouble. Maybe I wanna be in trouble. Okay Jay keep playing, she said winking at me and going to greet the kids coming in. Damn I got a fine ass wife, yall don't even know.


Ti finally told her and as we expected she wasn't too happy about Charli getting Nia pregnant.   Part 3 of this chapter will be post some time tonight. Let me know what you think!. 

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